History and Mythology

Tragic Greek Figure Test – Which Tragic Greek Figure Are You?

Which Tragic Greek Figure Are You Quiz

Hey literature fans! Are you curious to know which tragic Greek figure are you? Get ready as the Tragic Greek Figure Quiz is set to roll!


You must be familiar with the names like Socrates, Homer, Aristotle, Plato, Alexander, and others. Not only you but the world knows them, their stories, and their theories. The former were the ones who provided us all with ideology and ideal concepts regarding life. The gods and goddesses of Greek mythology are truly diverse and enlighten us all with what we can call the true form of literature. Each of their tales is a lesson, one that is precious and serves as the real food for nurturing human ideology. Whether you consider Zeus (God of the Sky), Poseidon (God of the Sea), Ares (God of War), Aphrodite (Goddess of Love), Hera (Goddess of Women), Demeter (Goddess of Harvest), Athena (Goddess of Strategy), and the list goes on.

Tragic Greek Figure Test

Tragic Greek Figure

No matter which tale we pick, it describes a fruitful idea and is symbolic of some power. It can be intelligence, faith, loyalty, physical power, etc. If they employ it for the good of all and for positive intentions then they win the race of life too. However, if they are unable to make the right decision and judgment at a particular moment then they and the people around them suffer.


There are countless heroes, gods, and goddesses in Greek mythology but so are their tragic endings. Yes, the heart-wrenching tales of heroes and heroines leave eyes in tears and brains in bewilderment. Scroll down and see if you know the most tragic falls of mighty Greek figures.

Which Tragic Greek Figure Are You

Tragic Greek Figures


What should be said about this lady! Her fate was cursed though she didn’t do anything. You know what caused her downfall? Well, you’d be surprised to know that it was Medusa’s beauty. Yes, she was alluring, graceful, and angelic in beauty. Being one of the most beautiful around, Poseidon had his eyes on her and raped her when she negated his commands. This lighted fire in Athena who cursed her and turned her into a Gorgon.

Medusa was no longer cherishable and everyone feared the snakes on her head. This made her the most detested female in the Greek mythos. All she wanted was revenge and to kill everyone more powerful than her in order to feel safer. Her powers included stoning anyone who looked into her eyes. As per the tales, she gave birth to Pegasus but she wasn’t a pious soul. During the battle, Medusa was killed by Perseus.




Icarus isn’t a god but a normal human yet the world knows him. Even if you don’t know him, have you heard the phrase “Don't fly too close to the sun”? This saying has been driven by the story of Icarus. His father Daedalus is known to be the greatest inventor of his time and realized that his son has one great wish. In order to provide him with any possible way to fly, Daedalus crafted wings for his son which were made of wax. Sighting the accomplishment of his dreams Icarus feels desperate to conquer the sky.

With the desire to show the world the might of human creation, Icarus keeps flying higher and higher. In the direction of the sun, Icarus continues to fly and eventually his wings melt. He meets his end by drowning in the sea and Daedalus couldn’t do anything for his son.



King Midas

Born on an auspicious day and having courageous parents Gordias and the goddess Cybele, Midas was born to rule. His fate was challenging and Midas made sure he eagerly opts for everything to seek a prosperous future. Do you remember the Greek god Dionysus? He had a dear mentor who taught and raised him. His name was Silenus and played an influential role in the life of Dionysus. When Silenus is lost and no man could track him, Dionysus gives this job to Midas and offers to fulfill one of his wishes if he succeeds in the task.

Being brave and cunning, Midas manages to find Silenus and pleases god Dionysus. As a consequence, he is asked about his wish. It is astonishing for Dionysus to hear him asking for something very unusual. Midas pleads with the god to give his hands such power that whatever they touch turns into gold. What he asks is given but Midas realizes he lost all humanness in him. No matter if it was food or human, everything turned into gold.

King Midas

King Midas


Hera, is the goddess of marriage, family, and protector of women in childbirth. She is undisputedly considered among the most powerful and mightiest goddesses in 12. It is believed that she was aggressive and anxious in her work. This wasn’t the case since the beginning as Hera was a beautiful and charming woman. She was manipulated by the love of Zeus and decides to marry him. After marriage, it wasn’t long before Zeus began to show his real shades and got involved with other women and goddesses.

What do expect from a goddess like Hera? What could have been her reaction? Of course, Hera turned jealous and caused harm. She detested all illegitimate children of Zeus and their mothers. She no longer believed in love and loyalty.



By the way, are you curious to know which Greek god or goddess would you have been if lived in that time? You can find out even in the 21st Century with the viral Greek Gods Quiz.


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