History and Mythology

Basic World History Trivia – Test Your History Knowledge

General History Trivia Questions

Here is the Ultimate World History Quiz to test your history knowledge. Let's see how focused you are. Hope you aren’t scared and can score high.


QuizPin wants the best for you! Get to test your brain with the History Trivia Questions. This is not something that can be done easily. You must have at least surface-level knowledge about world history. Only then you would reach around a 50%-60% score.

Basic World History Trivia

World History


Seek The Big Picture

To begin, have a general awareness of the major themes and historical context of the topic or time period you are studying. You will be better able to understand the specifics and incidents that contribute to the main tale as a result.

Timelines Are Vital

Use timelines and maps to help you understand geography and time. Visual aids like timelines and maps may be a huge help in helping you understand time and place. Search online for pre-made timelines or try making your own.

Primary Sources Are Gold

Make connections with primary sources! These include firsthand stories or objects from the era you're studying. They might offer a special, in-depth viewpoint on historical occurrences. Library, archive, and internet collections all have primary sources available.

Visuals Are Impressive

Watch documentaries and motion pictures. Although they are not always entirely accurate, but still try to find the best ones. Historical documentaries and motion pictures can offer a quick and entertaining method to learn about historical figures and events.

Don’t Exhaust Yourself

Study for brief periods of time, because intervals are important. Instead of studying for hours on end, try studying for shorter, more concentrated periods of time. To avoid burnout, take regular breaks.

Join Interesting Dots

Associating people, dates, and events with something memorable will help you remember them. For instance, the date of the Declaration of Independence (1776) can be connected to the number 76. Then, the Victorian Era can be related to the reign of Queen Victoria. To make the topic more engaging and relevant, link historical events to current affairs, popular culture, or personal experiences.

Tests Are Necessity

Regularly assess yourself on what you've learned to solidify your understanding and find any holes in it.

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Whether you have an interest in history or have no option but to learn everything, we have the perfect supplies. Below are the books which can help you out like a teacher that is easily within your reach.

"A Little History of the World" by E. H. Gombrich – The key historical events and figures from antiquity to the present are covered in this book. This provides an accessible and interesting introduction to world history written in a conversational way.

"The Cartoon History of the Universe" by Larry Gonick – From the Big Bang to the present, this graphic novel series offers an entertaining and approachable history of the universe.

"Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari – From the beginning of agriculture to the present, this book discusses the evolution of Homo sapiens and the significant advancements in human history.

"The New Penguin History of the World" by J. M. Roberts – The major civilizations and historical occurrences from antiquity to the present are covered in detail in this extensive review of world history.

"The Story of Civilization" by Will Durant - From the oldest civilizations through the 20th century, this 11-volume series offers a thorough and understandable account of world history.

Test your history knowledge



You can get a clearer sense of how the world has changed over time. This way, have a greater grasp of the complicated forces that have influenced human history by comprehending these important events and their significance.

Neolithic Revolution

The domestication of plants and animals during the Neolithic Revolution (10,000 BCE) marked a significant turning point in human history. This paved the way for agriculture and permanent settlements.

Earliest Civilizations

The earliest civilizations began to emerge around 3000 BCE and were characterized by the invention of writing, government, and organized religion. These civilizations first appeared in Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and China.

Oldest Civilizations

Earliest Civilizations History

The Persian Wars

The Persian Wars (500 BCE) were a series of battles between the Persian Empire and the Greek city-states. They eventually resulted in Athens becoming the most important force in Greece.

Fall Of Rome

The fall of Rome (476 CE) ushered in the Middle Ages and put an end to the Roman Empire. This ushered us all into a time of instability and decentralization in Western Europe.

Black Death

One of the deadliest pandemics in human history is known as the Black Death (1347–1351). Most accurately, it is said to have killed between 75 and 200 million people and profoundly altered Europe's social and economic structure.

Altering World

The Age of Discovery (15th–17th centuries) was during the time when European nations expanded their empires through discovery and colonization. This led to the interchange of goods, ideas, and illnesses between the Old and New Worlds.

The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution (18th–19th centuries) saw a substantial transition in the production of commodities from handcrafted to machine-made. This had a profound impact on social and economic transformation, including the emergence of capitalism and urbanization.

World War I

Millions of people died during World War I (1914–1918), which was a global struggle involving many of the world's major nations. Empires also fell, and new nation-states emerged as a result.

Cold War

The Cold War, which lasted from 1945 to 1991 and dominated world politics in the second half of the 20th century, was a time of political and military hostility between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Fall Of Berlin Wall

With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the Cold War officially came to an end and a new era in world politics began.


Whether you are 14 or 40, this quiz is for all. The question bear the question that would judge how good is your memory. Take a deep breath and click on START to enter the General History Trivia Questions.

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