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Dictator Quiz – Which Dictator Are You?

Which Evil Dictator Were You? & Dictator Test

Why the hell does this world and its people not realize that not everything can be sugary and sweet! If God has made something right and positive then its opposite also exists in the form of illicit and negative. Having said that, what is wrong with the people around you that they call you a “Dictator” just because you are aggressive and a little bossy? Well (Hahaha), it isn’t that bad if they call you Hitler, Mussolini, or someone else. Everybody has a personality different from that of other and we are offering you a fun way to tell the world “Which Evil Dictator Are You?”


Dictator Quiz is designed to explore your personality and figure out “Are you a dictator from inside?” It would try to calculate your attributes and let you know if you were a dictator in the past or not? The questions dig deep into your soul and assess the past so if you have the wish to know whether you ruled people oppressively then enter the quiz to find out Which Dictator Are You Quiz now!


Woah, relax! Don’t be worried even if you have the qualities of a dictator. Just read about them below (carefully) and try to employ them for a greater and more positive purpose. Remember, no habit is bad and all you need to do is shape it wisely!

Dictator Quiz - Hitler


Most dictators in the past were highly antisocial and only had a small circle of people whom they could trust. The basic reason for not having many friends was their fear of trusting anyone. Because they were oppressors and cruel so the sword of rebellion was always hanging over their necks. Hence they hardly ever had faith and tried not to open up very much.

Extremely Self-Centered

You can never bend or mold any person who has an unbreakable ego and people with dictator-like personalities are filled with pride and selfishness. They think that whatever they have planned is perfect and everyone else is dumb. Plus, they hardly consider alliances because for that you need to cooperate and conjoin and their ego doesn’t allow this.

Control Freaks

Dictators have a lust for power and can’t bear anyone else to have the rank and strength that resides in their hands. They have the wish to control humans, lands, and beyond. Hence, if you try to raise your voice against them then they would consider you an enemy. By chance you don’t seize to go against them then they would remove you from their way (by hook or by crook) once and for all, The Crown is theirs.

Overly Assured

What a dictator-type person has in mind is usually far from what can be taken as reality. However, they believe that whatever they have in mind can be done (even if it seems impossible). They are very optimistic about their future plans and eventually dig their own grave.


We have below the cruelest and the most vicious dictators that ever existed. Scroll down and get to know them carefully so that it is easier for you to comprehend the result of the Evil Dictator Test.

Adolf Hitler

It was obvious that Hitler would land at the top of the list! His short height and short mustache are still famous around the world. Dubiety in the fact that he was responsible for the death of around 5 million people and the barbaric genocide of Jews. But, remember that Hitler wasn’t like this since always and had taste for literature in his heart. He wanted to be an artist but was rejected from school and so joined the military. Plus, nobody would deny that Hitler was a true genius, it’s just that he employed it for the wrong cause. He was a racist and had no mercy for anyone who was either a Jew or wanted to stand against him.

Benito Mussolini

Dictator Quiz Mussolini

He is the fascist dictator responsible for the destruction of Italy. Mussolini faced a troubled childhood which is evident in his future decisions. He turned into a cruel* dictator though was practicing journalism. After coming into power, Mussolini shook hands with Hitler and both supported each other in decisions. Like Hitler, Mussolini was active in controlling people with his terror and force. People couldn’t stand against his oppression and millions were killed because of the decisions of this one person.

Joseph Stalin

Dictator Quiz - Stalin

It isn’t easy to go through the details of the crimes that Stalin did with his power and control. There is no crime that wasn’t attempted in his period. When he became the dictator of the Soviet Union, he began employing such economic policies that became a curse for the whole nation. No one was following his rules with consent but Stalin’s terror was making all this happen. He passed laws that made USSR own every cultivable land and people had to work there without or with very low wages. This caused a famine and millions died of starvation and diseases.

Saddam Hussein

Dictator Quiz Saddam

The dictator and president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein became the worst nightmare for not only his people but also for all the Gulf States. He only wanted authority over land and the lives of people. He was an extremist and racist which made him a psycho. Saddam ordered his officials to use mustard and nerve gas for torturing purposes. He used to watch videos that recorded savageness like plucking teeth, eye-gouging, beatings, and electric shocks as per his commands. But, in the end, people rebelled and he was found hiding in a gutter and was hanged afterward. Everyone can be oppressed to a limit and after that people overthrow such a person and the consequences are unimaginable. If you are looking for more history quizzes, just click here.


Don’t take anything seriously! Just enjoy the Dictator Personality Test and don’t be shy to turn out as a dictator. Instead, be happy and share with the world because it is obvious that you can never be that barbaric.

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