Netflix Quizzes

One Piece Netflix Quiz – Which One Piece Series Character Are You?

Which One Piece Series Character Are You Quiz

The “One Piece TV Series Quiz” is something that a fan like you wouldn’t miss! Take the quiz to track which One Piece character are you.


Welcome to the captivating and perilous world of "One Piece," where Monkey D. Luffy has the role of the protagonist. Luffy has a straightforward ambition: he wants to locate the mysterious One Piece treasure and triumph as the Pirate King. But there's a catch! Luffy isn't the best at pirate activities or even simple sailing. He's also pretty freewheeling (don't you think!). His friends step in to help with that make up the crew. Luffy needs them not only due to his extroverted personality but also to prevent drowning before he can begin his pirate voyage.

Along with his trusty friends, the Straw Hat crew, Luffy embarks on his journey. In the Netflix adaption of "One Piece," the personalities they encounter on their voyages across the globe are quite interesting. Some, like the reserved Navy recruit Koby, form alliances. Others, like the fierce "Fishman" Arlong and the cunning clown Buggy, become enemies. The formidable Vice Admiral Garp is another player in the mix who isn't afraid of throwing cannonballs into the battle.

One Piece Netflix Quiz

One Piece - Netflix

So be ready for an exciting journey with Luffy and his team. They are eager to pursue their goals, establish friends, and contend with some powerful adversaries. Watch the One Piece Netflix series and after it, check which One Piece character are you most like.


Here are all 8 episodes that you have to watch in the One Piece Netflix series. Remember to watch them in this order and do not miss any of them.

  • Episode 1. Romance Dawn
  • Episode 2. The Man In The Straw Hat
  • Episode 3. Tell No Tales
  • Episode 4. The Pirates Are Coming
  • Episode 5. Eat At Baratie!
  • Episode 6. The Chef And The Chore Boy
  • Episode 7. The Girl With The Sawfish Tattoo
  • Episode 8. Worst In The East


Which One Piece Series Character Are You

One Piece Characters - Netflix

Who’s Luffy?

With the help of the legendary "One Piece" treasure, Luffy hopes to fulfill his ambition of becoming the Pirate King. He has a strong sense of purpose and is prepared to take on any obstacle to achieve his goal. Due to his intake of the Devil Fruit Gomu Gomu no Mi, Luffy has been blessed with exceptional skills. Luffy has the ability to stretch his body like rubber thanks to this unusual fruit, making him remarkably flexible and deadly for enemies.


Luffy - One Piece

How Are You Like Luffy?

You are really like Luffy from "One Piece" quite a bit. Regardless of how great your ambitions are, you both have amazing dreams and never give up. Just as Luffy inspires his crew to become the Pirate King, your passion and belief in your goals inspire those around you.

As it does for Luffy, friendship means everything to you. You are a trustworthy and loving friend, people can depend on you at all times. You would go above and beyond to defend and protect your friends and loved ones. Hence, you maintain a positive outlook even under difficult situations, just like Luffy who is consistently upbeat and fun-loving. Your cheerfulness brightens everyone's day like a ray of sunshine.

Who’s Nami?

In order for the crew to successfully navigate the perilous Grand Line, Nami is extremely helpful. She is a navigator and cartographer hence a crucial member of the Straw Hat Pirates. For the crew to safely navigate through difficult and unpredictable waters, her abilities are of course important.


Nami - One Piece

How Are You Like Nami?

You possess strong attributes like independent thinking and drive. You pursue a goal with all your might when you set your mind to it. Your commitment and skill in your field are admired by others. Like Nami, you have a reputation for being reliable and competent. Even if you don't always show your feelings, your interactions with people stand out because of the way you always seem to be attentive and composed.

Let’s re-write the definition of a pirate and sail for a new piece of adventure with this One Piece Quiz to find out Which One Piece character are you accurately!

Who’s Zoro?

Few would dare to fight Zoro because of his tough opponent and legendary combat style, "Santoryu" or "Three Sword Style." It is a testament to his remarkable ability and skill in battle. Even though he might not always be honest about his emotions, he is unmatched in his allegiance to Luffy and the gang. Due to his unwavering dedication, Zoro will go above and beyond the call of duty to defend the other members of the crew and support their common goals.


Zoro - One Piece

How Are You Like Zoro?

You are driven to pursue your goals with unreserved resolve by a strong sense of persistence and ambition. Plus, you have a strong commitment to your goals and are not afraid to go beyond what is comfortable for you.  With a sense of duty and responsibility, go to considerable lengths to help and defend those you care about. You like to keep your emotions under control, like Zoro's stern and contained character.

Who’s Sanji?

Sanji, the Straw Hat Pirates' culinary mastermind, satirizes the people's hunger on the high seas with tasty food. But, don't forget that he is filled with zeal, chivalry, and style. Sanji's character is a beautiful blend of bravery and humor in addition to his cooking skills. He frequently finds himself in hilarious and heartwarming situations as a result of his unshakeable dedication to treating women with the utmost respect. Sanji uses a powerful fighting technique known as the "Black Leg Style," a stunning martial arts demonstration that combines grace and force.


Sanji - One Piece

How Are You Like Sanji?

You pay close attention to detail and present yourself with a touch of style, just like Sanji's immaculate fashion sense defines his style. Your admiration for beauty and the finest things in life gives a sophisticated quality to your presence that captivates others around you. Like Sanji's "Black Leg Style" fighting style, your special talents or abilities make you stand out. You are an intriguing and unique person because of how well you perform in your chosen fields of specialization, which gives your character depth and interest.


Yes, we urge you to make sure that you don’t miss any episode of One Piece on Netflix. Similarly, you shouldn’t miss the “Netflix One Piece Character Quiz” too. All fans have been awaiting this moment regardless of the fact if you have watched the series yet or not.

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