Cartoons and Anime

Which One Piece Character Are You Quiz

One Piece Quiz: Which Pirate Are You?

Let’s re-write the definition of a pirate and sail for a new piece of adventure with this One Piece Quiz; to find out Which One Piece character are you accurately!

One Piece is a famous manga & anime written by Eiichiro Oda. The story has all the elements like action, suspense, mystery, romance, or fun packed entertainment. The story revolves around the pirate Gol D. Roger who was notorious for his bravery and wealth and so given the title ‘Pirate King’. In his final words; he claimed that all his wealth and riches which he named ‘One Piece’ hidden in place called Grand Line.

Which One Piece Character Are You?

Which One Piece Character Are You Monkey D Luffy

Have you ever been thinking “What One Piece character am I?”. If yes, there are multiple characters in One Piece that you can get a result of this One Piece quiz.

Monkey D. Luffy

Years after the death of King Pirate, a young boy named Monkey D. Luffy, who lived in small island of Goa, dreams to become the ‘King of Pirates’ by finding One Piece. Luffy never desires for wealth.  Luffy is portrayed as a fearless boy, as he is willing to conquer the sea even though he has eaten the Gomu Gomu no Mi (Gum Gum Fruit) devil fruit that made his body of rubber, making swimming his only weakness. Nevertheless, Luffy willingly enters the dangers of sea and starts to gather his crew. Luffy finds his crew members that have intriguing attributes who are dedicated to their dreams and goals.

Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro is a brave swordsman who has unusual style of fighting and has the aim to be the sturdiest swordsman. Take this One Piece quiz to find out if you have the skills of Zoro Roronoa.


Nami is brave girl who is efficient in navigation and meteorology and wants to draw the map of the world. Nami is one of the dream one piece girlfriend of One Piece fans.


Usopp, is a brave warrior; his ambition is to be known as a fearless fighter. He might be the best decision as One Piece boyfriend, because he has the charisma?!?


Sanji becomes the cook of the ship. He desires to see the All-Blue- a legendary sea which has all the fishes of the world. If you have a chance, what One Piece character would you be? Would you select "Sanji"?

Tony Tony Chopper

Tony Tony Chopper is actually a reindeer, but got intelligence by eating Hito Hito no Mi (Human Human Fruit). Chopper is the doctor in the ship and dreams to find the remedy of every illness.

Nico Robin

Nico Robin is a specialist in archaeology, and wants to explore Poneglyphs- the history of 900 years old kingdoms. She is inclined to unveil the history of Void Century. Nico has no boyfriend in One Piece. Do you think Nico would make a great girlfriend?

Adventures of One Piece Characters

As the time passes Luffy finds more people who join him on his adventure like Franky- a cyborg. Franky builds the ship for Luffy’s crew named ‘The Thousand Sunny’, he wants his ship to reach the end of Grand Line. Furthermore, he finds Brook and Laboon. Brook died fifty years ago, but got a second life by eating Yomi Yomi no Mi (Revive Revive Fruit). Brook wants to locate and wants to reconcile. Whereas, Laboon is a whale who is last living member of Brook’s crew. Together the crew is named as ‘The Strawhat Pirates’. We are pretty sure that you would be interested in Yu-Gi-Oh! too, if you loved One piece adventures.

2021 Update: One Piece The East Blue and Alabasta Sagas is available on Netflix now!

Let’s Find Out Your One Piece Character Now

The Straw hat Pirates live the journey of their lifetime; fighting the evil and living their dreams as a family. The essence of the story dwells on the friendship, search for truth, ambitions and their fulfilment. Every character of this anime has its own unique skills. We got through the quiz and we got Nami as a result. Let’s see which One Piece character you really are!

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