
Am I Emotionally Unavailable Quiz

Are You Emotionally Unavailable Quiz

Are you emotionally present or are unable to do so? If you can’t tell, let the 100% accurate Am I Emotionally Unavailable Quiz guide you.


Is everybody bothering you saying, “You’re never there for me!”. “You don’t understand what I’m saying!”, “Are you really a human? You’re emotionally off!” etc. These comments must be poking you every now and then. Why be so affected when the Am I Emotionally Unavailable Quiz hasn’t endorsed if you really are emotionally unavailable to people or they are unthankful. This is why this quiz is vital, it can help you set free from all the agonizing thoughts.

Am I Emotionally Unavailable Quiz

Emotionally Unavailable


Our personality experts have created 15 questions for the Are you Emotionally Unavailable Quiz after thorough deliberation. Each question takes an insight into your personality and as you answer it, the system works on it and reveals if you really are emotionally off or not. Have some faith and some fun while you find out more about yourself.


Emotions Caged

Have you ever encountered someone who seemed to have a vault in which their emotions are kept? That's the telltale sign of emotional inaccessibility! They resemble the deep emotional boxes that are difficult to unlock.

Out Of Reach

You can identify such a person easily as while you're reaching out to them, their emotional address is different. You feel that you are unable to connect with them on several levels. People who are emotionally unavailable are like emotional satellites that are out of reach.

Intimacy Phobia

Look, in emotionally unavailable people, the fear is not of spiders, but of becoming emotionally entangled with someone! These people may seem incredible while they are far away, but if you approach them too closely, they disappear like a magic trick.

Lone Wolves

Emotionally unavailable people are the lone wolves of the world, while others long for company. You may expect them to vent their emotions but they won’t say much no matter how good their mood is.

Avoider of Confrontations

This category would prefer to battle a grizzly bear than engage in a heart-to-heart conversation (that’s true!). When difficult talks arise, emotionally unavailable people are experts at pulling an excuse to leave.


They may be as quiet as a ninja at times or as loud as a parrot. People who lack emotional availability are erratic and constantly shifting, much like emotional weather systems. You can never predict their next move.

Find Distractions

Those who are emotionally far from reality and pick activities that help them be explorers, enthusiasts, workaholics, etc. They go to the world of diversions when feelings get too intense.

Haunted by Ghosts of the Past

Every emotionally unavailable person has a past deserving of a high-end play. Their current emotional status is influenced by hidden past traumas and attachment disorders.


Are You Emotionally Unavailable Quiz

Are You Emotionally Unavailable

You’re Totally Emotionally Shut

The badge "Totally Emotionally Shut" is yours. Your feelings appear to be confined by thick walls that make it difficult for other people to get through. You could feel safer doing this, but you might also be unable to form meaningful relationships with others. Don't worry, however! The first step to change is realizing this. You are able to communicate and express your emotions once more.

You’re Totally Emotionally Shut

You’re Totally Emotionally Shut

You’re Somewhere In The Middle

You fall somewhere between being overly open and too closed off emotionally. Like being at a turning point in the road, not knowing which direction to turn. Consider this an opportunity to discover more about who you are. Consider your desires for your relationships as well as your feelings.

You’re Somewhere In The Middle

You’re Somewhere In The Middle

Do you really love yourself? Really? Confirm your ideas with the 2023 viral going “Do You Have Self Love Quiz” which will blow your mind!

You’re Recovering From Being One

You are on an emotional recovery journey. It seems as though you've undergone a significant transition, letting go of long-standing routines that kept you withdrawn. Emotional healing might be difficult, but you're progressing well. Always remember to give yourself credit and treat yourself with kindness as you go along. You'll find yourself in even better, more satisfying relationships if you continue to create those connections of affection.

You’re Recovering From Being One

You’re Recovering From Being One

No, Your Emotions Aren't Shut Off!

Well done, you truly represent emotional clarity! Your heart seems to be like an open book that is waiting for everyone to read and understand. You're really skilled at building relationships, empathetic communication, and authenticity. Continue impressing others with your warmth and genuineness. Your interpersonal skills are a unique talent!

No, Your Emotions Aren't Shut Off!

No, Your Emotions Aren't Shut Off!


This is the moment of revelation as the Am I Emotionally Unavailable Quiz is about to unveil the biggest truth of your personality. However, you don’t need to worry about the outcomes. There’s always a way to bring positive changes in your personality and you can do this with the help of your loved ones and professionals.

Disclaimer: This quiz is meant for self-reflection purposes only. It's not a professional diagnosis or substitute for personalized advice. Answer honestly, but remember, everyone's emotional journey is unique. Let's explore together!

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