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Which Seven Deadly Sin Are You Quiz

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins would be you?

Tired of all these negative people and thinking of running away from them because they are never good to you and only have negativity in their minds! To be honest, it won’t be of any use no matter how far you go because humans would always be sinful. Even the teachings of the Bible claim that there are “Seven Deadly Sins” that make people more like Satan and less like humans…

Hmm, we can understand! You are worried that you also do not turn out to be like them and you wish to assess how evil are you from inside (hahaha). We can make this easy and interesting for you with our Seven Deadly Sins Quiz which would judge your mind and find out your deadly sin and let you know which seven deadly sin are you???

Seven Deadly Sins Quiz: What are them?

Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

Oh, so you don’t know about the worst sins in the world! Don’t worry, we’ll let you figure out the most deadly sins in history. Want to hop into Satan’s mind to find out what are the seven deadly sins?


Lust also known as lechery is related to sexual desire. The Catholic Church considers sexual passion for someone other than wife or husband inaccurate. Even the control over childbirth and sexual relation before marriage is detested by the Catholics. Therefore, this turns out to be one of the deadly sins, and frankly speaking, this sin has become most common. For example; Do you have any fetish? If yes, that would also count as a lust. You can take our Foot Fetish Quiz here.

It is believed that if humans aren’t able to restrain their sexual lust then they become more like animals who don’t care with whom they are having kids or with whom they are pleased. On the other hand, people of the 21st Century don’t care if this is a sin or not and are usually indulged in it.


We all usually eat and drink whatever and whenever we wish and at times it’s just to please ourselves rather than our need and this is “gluttony”. Maybe many of us do not take excessive dining and chomping habits as a deadly sin but what can we do is counted as one!

Look, eating is obligatory since we all need to eat and drink in order to survive but everything must maintain a balance and mother nature also commends this. Excessive eating and drinking are considered a deadly sin because it causes major health problems and initiates an imbalance. If the wealthy begin to eat and buy more then what would the poor do? Not only this but many other long-term health problems arise due to gluttony.


Sloth in other words is the lazy attitude. It is quite obvious that sloth is definitely a deadly sin because every human wishes to relax and work less but if this persists then how would a person survive or how would a society grow…

People who are sleep lovers, sluggish, and think that work and other matters can wait for some other time commit this worst sin. Not only these type of people ruin their own life but also cause many problems for people around them.


The deadly sin of wrath is becoming more common nowadays and people aren’t able to control their anger and due to this, the rate of crime like murder, stabbing, and assault is rising. If we need to define wrath in the simplest words then it is the hatred that someone keeps in the heart for another person. Researches have proved that people who have intense anger issues have more mental and physical problems like depression, anxiety, angina, high blood pressure, etc.


Envy is considered the mother of all deadly sins because if you are envious then you can never be happy. The person who is jealous of others can never be satisfied from his own conditions and this gives birth to other deadly sins like overeating due to anxiousness, wrath, greed, and etc. An envious person always keeps desiring for more and are masked pupils who are sweet at the face but selfish backbiters.

Whether you are envious of your siblings, friends, or colleagues always look at what you own never think about what others have, focus on yourself, and stay happy because this would make your life easier!


Of course, how can we forget about pride also called vainglory, it’s a sin as well since people who have more than others shouldn’t be proud or look down on others. The thought of superiority over anyone, though human or any other being is forbidden in Christianity, Islam, and many other religions.

If envy is the mother of sins then pride is the father! Nowadays, no one needs to directly depict their pride since social media is enough. Once anyone posts a picture or video and show off their wealth than what should this be called? Wearing expensive and branded apparel, footwear, spending money without thinking, and over nonsensical things just to make yourself superior to others is what? Obviously pride!


Avarice or greed is the never-ending parasite that always ends its prey. Though the greed is of material, money, love, big house, or even just attention, it’s a disgrace. No greedy person can live a happy or contented life since he or she is never satisfied with anything. No matter how much they own, they always wish for more and so in the end, destiny takes everything back from them.

Listen! The logic is simple not every person can get every best thing because this isn’t the rule of nature so why hassle yourself to achieve everything…


So after going through all seven of them, do you have a deadly sin or not? Still don’t have the answer then what are you thinking now? Just answer the What Seven Deadly Sin Are You Quiz which would generate an honest and unbiased result!

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