Netflix Quizzes

The Brothers Sun Quiz – Which The Brothers Sun Character Are You?

Which The Brothers Sun Character Are You Quiz

Are you from the Sun family? Are you interested in searching which The Brothers Sun character are you? Take The Brothers Sun Quiz for that!


The Brothers Sun is a Netflix production and it is catching everyone’s eyes. There are eight episodes in the series which are 47–69 minutes long. The overall ratings of the series are pretty damn good. For instance, Rotten Tomatoes gives The Brothers Sun a good solid 84%, IMDb is 7.6/10, and Common Sense Media stands with 4/5. All in all, we can trust The Brothers Sun for a good source of entertainment.

The Brothers Sun Quiz

The Brothers Sun - Netflix


In the heart of Los Angeles, California lives Eileen Sun who is the mother of Bruce Sun. They both live a simple life as Bruce is continuing his studies and his mother is a nurse. However, behind the scenes, something strange is happening. We meet the other members of the Sun family of whom, Bruce is oblivious. Yes, the king of the mafia in Taipei, Taiwan lives Big Sun who runs the underground gang in the city which has its roots in the entire country. Unfortunately, when he is attacked, all the responsibilities fall on Charles Sun; his son. Having seen one member of the family in distress, the first thing Charles does is fly to LA.

Meeting his brother Bruce and mother Eileen, Charles feels the hurt of being cut off from the family. Eileen chose to protect Bruce who is now unaware of his father and brother’s dirty business. Now that the enemies are at the doorstep and ready to kill everyone, Charles has to take charge and Bruce must brace up too. The cherry on top is the secrets Eileen is hiding in her heart.

There’s no surety of who would survive but we know that you’d go through The Brothers Sun Series Quiz easy peasy. Plus, the result of what The Brothers Sun character would give you a small and nice surprise.


Which The Brothers Sun Character Are You

The Brothers Sun Characters - Netflix

Eileen “Mama” Sun

You constantly watch out for everyone, like a very protective and nurturing mother chicken. You look out for your friends and family in the same way that a mother chicken looks out for her young (Sooo Cute!). As a mother chicken is watchful and aware of her surroundings, so too are you extremely intelligent and skilled at planning. For your family and friends, you are the one who can anticipate issues and knows how to resolve them.

In addition to being compassionate, you also possess exceptional analytical and thought skills. It's because they know you'll look out for them and make the right decisions that they trust you and come to you for help.

Eileen “Mama” Sun

Eileen “Mama” Sun - The Brothers Sun

Charles Sun

Your personality is like a quiet river that is deep and strong, with a quiet strength that flows beneath the surface. You may have a good heart, but you rarely show it, not even to the people closest to you, like your family. You are a person of quiet strength and thoughtful intelligence who frequently values inner reflection and isolation over public display. Though you guard it like a treasure buried deep in a cave, your inner world is full of contemplation and insight.

Though they might not be able to see your true feelings, others are able to sense your strength and the wisdom that comes from your kind and considerate manner. Even though you don't have the loudest voice in the room, your presence still has power.

Charles Sun

Charles Sun - The Brothers Sun

Forget about your personal beefs and take the viral Beef Series Quiz. See for yourself which Beef series character are you. Have fun!

Bruce Sun

Your character is innocent and charming. You treasure the little pleasures that life showers upon you and crave for simplicity. You seem to be overwhelmed by the complexity of the world and find comfort in the elegance of minimalism.

You have a certain charm even though you can be a little awkward at times. Your sincerity and purity come through, untainted by the burden of other people's responsibilities. You choose to accept life as it comes, greeting each moment with a sense of childlike wonder and curiosity, while others worry about its demands. In a world where stress and worry are the norm, your easygoing attitude is a breath of fresh air.

Bruce Sun

Bruce Sun - The Brothers Sun

Alexis Kong

The company of others is more enjoyable to you than isolation. You get a positive and inspired feeling from it. You are very focused and diligent when it comes to your work. Every time, you make an effort to complete tasks. It's simple for your thoughts to stray and become sidetracked, though, at times. Remaining focused can be challenging because various things can divert your attention. You can be highly organized and productive, though, if you set your mind to it.

Managing distractions can help you get more done at work and in your personal life, even if you would rather be with people. Finding a balance between spending time with others and spending time by yourself is also a smart idea.

Alexis Kong

Alexis Kong - The Brothers Sun


To be a part of the “Sun Family”, you have to answer The Brothers Sun Character Quiz. Only then you would be able to enter this family. However, the family is loaded with problems and enemies, so we hope you are all set for all the mess. Once you know which The Brothers Sun character are you most like, you should be ready!

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