TV Shows and Series

Vampire Academy Quiz – Which Vampire Academy Character Are You?

Which Vampire Academy Character Are You Quiz

Have you thought about Which Vampire Academy character are you? If not, take the Vampire Academy Quiz and see who is more like you in it.


Nope, the plot of the series Vampire Academy has been taken into account from the novel series Vampire Academy. The book series contains Vampire Academy, Frostbite, Shadow Kiss, Blood Promise, Spirit Bound, and Last Sacrifice. The first one was released in 2007 while the last came into our hands somewhat in 2010. No doubt that each one is spell-binding. Nonetheless, the series Vampire Academy is based on the first book.

Vampire Academy Quiz

Vampire Academy - Peacock


Yes, definitely! After all those years of waiting, we finally have an epic vampire saga again in our lives. The story of Vampire Academy is something you’ll love to watch just like us. We can’t predict the further seasons but at least the book one is available to watch right now! The ten episodes have released on 15th September 2022.


The story revolves around two close friends Rose and Lissa. They look very normal but since the first scene, they can be found running from someone or something. It is soon revealed that they both study at St. Vladimir’s Academy and don’t wish to be there anymore. However, they are soon caught and brought back. There, they have to face ogling eyes but do not speak a word about the reason for their run away. All in St. Vladimir’s Academy are vampires and are here in this institution to reach the epitome of power. Not only are the vampires taught to fight here, but are skilled in studies, and venture how to live in the world as royalty. Lissa is a princess of Dragomir princess and she is here in order to learn how to rule a kingdom successfully.

Nevertheless, Rose and Lissa are feared of something which we find out as soon as the night envelops St. Vladimir’s Academy. Lissa finds dead or brutally wounded animals at her room’s door. They are quite sure that someone is trying to prick their secret. In the room we find Lissa healing a raven. Among all the merciless vampires she is different. When all drink blood and leave a living being lifeless, Lissa can bring them to life again. She is a born healer who can challenge death. Some people are behind Lissa as her powers can help them reach their evil plans. But, Rose has vowed to protect her friend from all. Anyone can be the enemy so better stay alert. Watch Vampire Academy if you are interested to experience another world.


Which Vampire Academy Character Are You

Vampire Academy Characters - Peacock

Rose Hathaway

Rose is not a complete vampire; she is a human and vampire hybrid. This is why most students don’t like her. It’s more like being a muggle! However, just like Hermione, Rose is very talented but isn’t calm and cool and at all. She believes that everything can be settled with fights and attacks. This idea of resolution often ends up in grave fights. We do enjoy Rose, her action, and her loyalty toward Lissa. Her crazy fighting abilities elevate the show. You are somewhat a little insane like her. Adrenaline takes over you but still, you manage to handle everything.

Rose Hathaway

Rose Hathaway - Vampire Academy

Lissa Dragomir

At times you think you can be a free bird but, fate trims your wings. You are unable to fly thanks to all the responsibilities that are over your shoulders. The same thing happened to Lissa Dragomir. She is the princess of Moroi and needs to ascend the throne soon. However, she detests all these cages in which Lissa is unable to breathe. Plus, the hypocrisy and conspiracies are engulfing her left-out happiness. No doubt, the poor girl manages to survive with the support of Rose. You are brave and no tide can shatter you. Remember, do the right thing and stand by your decisions.

Lissa Dragomir

Lissa Dragomir - Vampire Academy

Dimitri Belikov

You are going nuts thinking about what Vampire Academy character are you. Right, now you know that you are “Dimitri Belikov.” He and Rose are somewhat close to each other with a love-and-hate relationship. Being a guardian and teacher, he reflects his tough side more than the softer one. It is hard to understand what goes on in Dimitri’s mind. However, he is a sworn guardian and ready to sacrifice his life for Moroi and the one who protects it. Dimitri has a loyal friendship with Lissa and Rose and this strengthens him more. The moments when he practices for fights are indeed the best ones. They are more seductive, aren’t they? Your instincts work better than you think and your confidence leads you to success.

Dimitri Belikov

Dimitri Belikov - Vampire Academy

Christian Ozera

Christian Ozera is a really handsome guy in the story and possibly the love interest of Lissa. We never know! (wink). He has also lost his parents, not in any accident though. Christian’s parents were involved in activities against the vampires which ended them with treason. Now, everyone sees Christian as if he is a traitor as well. All this negativity has led him to isolation. However, his knowledge is something that can’t be underestimated. Christian is more like a nerd who buries himself in knowledge happily. You on the other hand are different from others as well. You don’t care what goes around and so, focus on yourself more. People say a lot of things about you but they are unaware that their words mean nothing to you at all.

Christian Ozera

Christian Ozera - Vampire Academy

Most probably you have watched Vampire Diaries too. Take the Vampire Diaries Boyfriend & Girlfriend Quiz and check with whom can you have an intimate relationship.


It seems like you are all set to find out which Vampire Academy character are you most like. Hopefully, you find the one in the answer who you like in the series. Oh, and don’t forget to show the results to every Vampire Academy fan.

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