
How American Are You Quiz – Are You Really An American?

What Percent American Are You Quiz

Do you have roots in America? Take the 100% accurate “How American Are You Quiz”. Confirm your doubts about what percent American you are…


How American Are You Quiz – by Quizpin is the best thing that can happen to you today! Try the quiz and unveil what is in your heart and brain. Is it the American “Whas’up” or you don’t have what it takes to be an American by heart?

How American Are You Quiz



What can tell that you are an American? Of course, every human is different and their attitudes differ but there are a few indicators. We can claim if you are an American or not using the All American Quiz which is based on the following signs.

Love For Sneakers

Who in the whole of America wouldn’t have sneakers? Yes, all Americans are fond of sneakers and whether you meet a man or a woman, all are found wearing them. You can say that they are more into comfort and style at the same time. Whether a female is wearing a dress or a man is in a formal jacket and shirt, both would confidently pair them with sneakers. Now, the entire world is adopting this as a fashion sense.

They Tip Everyone

Since America considers tipping a polite and helpful gesture, so they all tip. Even if they are out of America, they tip happily at restaurants, and cafes, to cab drivers, valet, etc. This doesn’t mean at all that they are trying to show off their money, instead, they are just being helpful* that is all.

Accent And Diction

American accent is also known as RHOTIC. Of course, even in America, there are so many dialects and it turns to vary from state to state. For instance, the accent of the masses living in Texas speak very differently from those living in California. They even use different words for things like a vest for waistcoat, a sweater for jumper, restroom for toilet, gasoline for petrol, etc.

Never Shy Away

Americans are known for their confidence. It would be a piece of advice to you that never to dare an American. They are insane and would do everything under the action of adrenaline rush. Most of the adventurous and thrilling physical pursuits are usually attempted by Americans. They are way more into risks than people in other parts of the world. Even as tourists, they confidently do what the natives never even think of doing.


Energy, can you match the energy of an American? You need to have high stamina for it! Trust us, a healthy and fit American can give people good competition. Well, the secret lies in their hardworking lifestyle. They are always wandering here and there for fun and the sake of exploration. Even as a kid, Americans pick camping, hiking, swimming, tracking, basketball, etc as their outdoor activities. So, they are more energetic and manage their professional and personal life (loaded with fun) quite impressively.

Foodie (Mostly Junk Food)

American food culture is very interesting as the first thing that comes to their mind for celebration is food. Yes, food is something without which everything is incomplete. Even if they are out for a drinks party, they’d first be found eating something yum to lift their mood. Most people in America lower their stress levels by consuming edibles. The favorites in America include ice cream, hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, pizza, etc. At an average, an American consumes roughly 2,500 to 3,600 calories a day which is obviously high.

Everyone Can Hear Them

Haha, yes! Americans are way too loud. If you spend some time in a café, restaurant, theme park, etc you can easily spot who is an American. How? Well, they talk loudly and are too energetic during the class.

By the way, do you think you are more Brit then American. May be or may not be! Take the accurate Am I British Quiz to find out.


Are You Really An American

Are You Really An American


Hey dude! You are as American as Abraham Lincoln. It is evident that you are an adventure seeker, energetic, classy, and comfort pursuer. You have your days and pick challenges eagerly.


100% - American


Hmm, you are an American, not to the core but it is evident that you are interested in living life like a pro. You know your things and do not back off. Yeah, as a human, you do hesitate but that’s completely logical and a sensible step.


70% - American


Well, you aren’t thoroughly an American but you do have a few characteristics in you. Maybe your distant and great-great-grandfather or grandmother were a native American. You never know, right? Anyway, the quiz has tracked a few amazing American qualities in you.


35% - American


Soooorrryy! No chances sweetheart! You are not an American by your attitude, attributes, and mentality. The fact is that you might have adopted a few elements but not completely. Try harder to be an American.


0% - American


Let’s see how American are you from within and get it sorted with the How American Are You Quiz. Aren’t you curious to know about your traits and mindset? Let’s see if you are an American star or not!

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