The Hardest Matrix Quiz Ever!
How well do you know what you are watching? Actually, how well do you remember the trilogy? Put it to the Matrix quiz and show it off right now!
"You take the blue pill; the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."
Can we just take a minute (if not more) to appreciate how intricately and beautifully a complex sci-fi has been wrapped around these words? To all the ultimate fanatics out there, how many words into that sentence did you know what the rest of it was going to say? If your answer is five, then join The Matrix, comrade!
So, you understand when we know that it has been said before, but we will still say it again: The Matrix Trilogy might just be the most phenomenal one out there! While that remains established, something that is quite the conflict of interest between you and the next Matrix fanatic is that who is the bigger one. Oh well, that will not be a big question mark for very long.
Herewith a solution, we have cooked up hardest the Matrix quiz for you. How you do in this matrix trivia will help you figure out if you have really been paying attention.
The Matrix Quiz: What is the Matrix Trilogy all about?
Very technically speaking, all the movies within the Matrix trilogy lay down for you the journey and knack of learning about -- drumroll, a Matrix! And what is that, one might ask? Simply a large network of computer systems that is, in fact, powered by our processing unit, that is, our brain.
In this story, you will be carried along with the characters that hope between what we know as the real world and this Matrix situation. Naturally, as the course of any story goes, the goal of these characters is to figure a way out. The Matrix quizzes are going to help you to find your way out now!
Mind-Numbing and boggling at the same time, as this trilogy is, these characters make different attempts to "hack" into the Matrix trivia so that they get loaded within their own sandbox. But the story does not end there, at least not the one that involves us too. In this process and journey that the characters travel, they end up giving us quite a deep insight into the lives that we ourselves live.
What is the Ultimate Matrix Quiz: The Matrix Trilogy Edition?
In all of the Matrix Trilogy movies, we see the leads and characters figure a way out of the Matrix. They take their time to completely concentrate on the one way that gets them back into their own sandbox of codes and such. Take this ultimate The Matrix quiz to find your way out!
Trivia on Movie Quizzes are absolute fun! Well, our aim in this ultimate trivia of the Matrix trilogy is not as life-and-death related. But the stimulation persists! Your goal here is to try and answer as many questions as you can, that too, with the most accuracy. A point to be noted that there is a unique answer to every question and not multiple ones.
You have got just about 30 matrix questions (hard), so crack your knuckles and take a good stretch! Good luck!