Netflix Quizzes

FUBAR Quiz – Which FUBAR Character Are You?

Which FUBAR Character Are You Quiz

Time for you to check which FUBAR character are you most like with a knack of a twist. The trending FUBAR Quiz is ready to knock you off!


Arnold Schwarzenegger is back with some CIA-kind-of-action! He is above 60 and playing the role of Luke Brunner in the FUBAR series. Luke has reached the age when he finally has to say goodbye to years of service to the CIA. Obviously, who wants to leave when your work and colleagues turn out to be like a family and home in all these years? However, this one last assignment is in the hands of Luke and he has to make it a success. This time, his partner is none other than his own daughter Emma Brunner. Yeah, both the daughter and father duo works in the CIA but have always been unaware. The Brunner family might seem close, joyous, and perfect but they are apparently hiding their real profession.

Anyhow, for this mission, Emma and Luke have to work together and even if their thoughts do not match, they have to come up as the best team. The perils are high but so is the struggle. Watch FUBAR to get more insight.


FUBAR - Netflix


Which FUBAR Character Are You

FUBAR Characters - Netflix

Luke Brunner

It's great to meet an ex-CIA pro like yourself. With all your covert operations and spy skills, you've certainly had an exciting career. But, you're not exactly like Luke Brunner, of course, you are more like a CIA personnel in personality rather than in reality. However, for you too, it's all about family and living by the rules.

It's because of your unshakeable dedication and natural ability to adhere to regulations that everything runs properly. Family discussions are more structured thanks to you, and everyone has a fair chance to speak. Those family reunions will be even more unforgettable because of the elegance and wit with which you deal with unforeseen circumstances. Perhaps you engage the conversation with exciting tales from your previous adventures to provide a little mystery and excitement. Even if you've put away your spy gear, you maintain the spirit, giving your loved ones a sense of security and adventure.

Luke Brunner

Luke Brunner - FUBAR

Emma Brunner

Hey there, you fiery young warrior! Your fighting spirit is truly admirable. You approach life with a "never give up" attitude that inspires everyone around you. Challenges? Pfft! They don't stand a chance against your determined nature. When faced with a problem, you don't just sit around hoping it will magically disappear. Oh no, you roll up your sleeves and dive right into the action. Your practicality shines through as you assess the situation, come up with practical solutions, and execute them with finesse. You're like a skilled fighter.

But hey, it's not all serious business for you. You know how to lighten the mood and have some fun along the way. You have an infectious enthusiasm that brings joy to those around you.

Emma Brunner

Emma Brunner - FUBAR

You may be the Tulsa King but nothing can be more accurate than confirming from the 2023 updated Tulsa King Quiz.


Your love for all things tech is like a never-ending adventure. But here's the thing that sets you apart: your kindness. You're not just a tech wizard; you're a kind-hearted soul who spreads positivity wherever you go. Your mischievous charm and geeky wit keep everyone entertained.

There's a twinkle in your eye and a playful spirit that can't be contained. From harmless tricks to clever pranks that make everyone laugh, you keep the atmosphere light and full of surprises.


Barry - FUBAR

Ruth "Roo" Rogers

You're a trouble-causer, always finding yourself in amusing predicaments. Whether it's harmless pranks or cheeky banter, you have a knack for keeping things lively and adventurous. You are the mastermind behind those memorable moments that people will laugh about for years to come. Hmm, so you’re a true foodie, and your passion for all things delicious knows no bounds. From savory snacks to decadent desserts, you appreciate the art of flavors and savor every mouthful.

You know that life is too short to worry about fitting into societal norms. Your confidence shines through, and you radiate contagious self-acceptance. Your love for food is evident in your curves, and it only adds to your charismatic personality.

Ruth "Roo" Rogers

Ruth "Roo" Rogers - FUBAR


You see, when the world is after you, there is not much time to spare. It’s a race against time and only the ones who would act fast can make the magic happen. So, without wasting a second, lunge for the FUBAR Personality Quiz.

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