Food Personality

Picky Eater Quiz – Are You A Picky Eater?

What Percent Picky Eater Are You Quiz

Every time you eat with friends, family, or colleagues they just tag you as a “Picky Eater” but have you ever thought if you are one or not? Ask this from the Picky Eater Quiz because it is a frequently updated quiz for all ages and it would be neutral as well.

Picky Eater Quiz

Picky Eater


Trust us, no one in the world can predict who is a picky eater and who’s not! However, there are a few habits that can help you identify if you are one or not. Keep in mind that the children who are picky since the start grow up as picky eaters as well. Before you try out the quiz get to know more about picky eaters by scrolling down.



Most picky eaters are over-sensitive and feel what others can’t. Whether it is any kind of smell, texture, flavor, or color they easily observe it and began to dislike the dish. For example, if one doesn’t like yellow then they might not opt for curries. Have you seen that many picky eaters run away from seafood and usually complain that it’s smelly? Now you’ve got the reason.

Meal Sickness

Whenever it is meal time, these types of people begin to feel anxious because they know they are going to be embarrassed in front of all. Isn’t it obvious that picky eaters are pushed for food and usually feel awkward when they are at a party or something.

What Do They Eat?

As a matter of fact, most of the picky eaters detest vegetables. Broccoli, radish, mushrooms, spinach, and others are their enemies, hence they keep fighting them till the end. But, who doesn’t love candies, chocolates, burgers, pizza, and other junk food! This is because picky eaters don’t have to eat any such vegetables in them, plus the texture of the food also attracts them because it’s chewy, crunchy, and saucy.


Here are a few types of picky eaters explained to you. Read and check which one are you more like!

The Fuss Creators

This usually falls for children and teens. It’s necessary for them to create a fuss over whatever is presented to them. Except for a few exceptions, they would scream and cry over everything but if they are forced or had no other choice then they’d eat the same food with a smug on their faces.

Junk Foodies

Picky eaters are usually fond of junk food and whenever they have that in front of them then everything’s cool. They won’t make life hell for anyone. This is the very reason why most adults love junk food because they don’t want to eat the things that are a part of home-cooked food.

“I’m Not Hungry” Type

People of this type are quite difficult to handle as they are always found protesting whenever it’s time for food. Their one and only excuse is, “I’m not hungry!” and that’s the end of the story. These are the ones who are skinny and slim just because of their eating habits. A little motivation and care can make them realize what’s good for them and maybe they fall on the right track.


After getting to know the problems, let’s look for the best solutions as well.

Don’t Stress Them Out!

Never put pressure on picky eaters because either they would begin to skip meals or would reduce their diet which can have devastating consequences. So, so create a fuss when they complain about food instead apply a softer and gentle approach.

Talk Through The Matters

Having a soothing conversation can be pretty helpful with picky eaters. Let them know what is good for them and what habits can be painful in the reaching future. A little motivation might help them to change.

Try new things!

Help them in trying new flavors. A single vegetable can be made in a thousand ways and we are sure they would like it one way or other so keep trying until they love the flavors.


Here’s a sneak peek into the report on Are You A Picky Eater Quiz. Take a look at what you might get in your result.

Are You A Picky Eater

Are You A Picky Eater


Hey, you are an angel! You are not picky at all! Whatever is given to you, you finish it up happily. Vegetables, dairy items, meat, seafood, nothing scares you at all. We’re happy to confirm that your gut is happy to be in you (wink!).


0% - Picky Eater


Technically, you can’t be called picky! You have your own choices and on the basis of that, you pick what you need to eat and what not. It is a good thing that you devour most of the edible things other than if some smelly things aren’t included in the list. You are good to go!


35% - Picky Eater


You are very picky about what you eat. There are very few (lucky vegetables) that have the grace to be in your mouth. You are very conscious about the textures of food and things that feel slimy or squishy are always off the list. You hate repeated menus and don’t have many favorites so this makes the task even more difficult.


70% - Picky Eater


OMG! What do you even eat? Cooking for you can be more difficult than working as the Prime Minister of the state. You have very few things on your list that you eat and only some countable special dishes are able to make up to your platter. Your body might not be happy with your choices because it only gets to have a limited number of things.


100% - Picky Eater

Are you very ticklish? Check how ticklish are you with the Tickle Quiz!


It’s time to see where do you stand and how much picky are you when it comes to food and eating habits. Come on, answer the Picky Eater Test! You neither have to eat it nor would it harm you. So, why are you shying away?

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