Mental and Health

PMS Test – Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Quiz

Am I Pregnant or PMS?

We as women have to go through soooo much in our life. Being a woman, we don’t get our rights like males and we need to fight for it. At every stage of life, we females need to stand strong and this is only possible when we have energy, zest, and zeal. However, there are a few times when we do not feel up to the mark. Have you ever thought why?

Hmm, the reasons can be many, for instance, hectic routine, societal pressures, family, bills, freedom, fun, work, and the list goes on! However, we are here to discuss one of the most commonly reported issues by females nowadays. Premenstrual syndrome is one thing that affects most of us and we don’t even realize it. Do you know what is Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)?

Today, you would not only get to know about the condition of the premenstrual syndrome but can also assess if you are one of the females with PMS by answering the Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Quiz.


According to recent researches, almost 90% of the females having menses go through the condition of PMS. It is basically a state and series of external and internal changes that occur prior to menses. It all starts when your menstrual cycle begins to start again. When almost 20 days pass to your last menses and the next has 10 days yet to come, the PMS begins to act.

PMS Test

Hormones like progesterone and estrogen began to get into action and the chemical imbalances cause certain effects like mood swings, anxiousness, headache, body ache, etc.


Although, you would get to know whether you have a premenstrual syndrome or not with the PMS Test. But, what if you turn out to be affected by premenstrual syndrome as the result? For that, you must know the most noted signs of premenstrual syndrome to observe them in yourself. They are divided into external and internal symptoms to make things easier for you, so keep reading for your own benefit!

Internal Symptoms

The internal signs are which can only be felt by the female bearing it. No one else would know about it unless shared.

  • Difficulty in concentrating on work and studies though you have no such reason behind it.
  • The lethargic condition and low energy can make things problematic. Even though you rest well and sleep soundly but don’t feel fresh the next day.
  • Unable to take things positively and the brain turns pessimistic no matter how positive soul you are.
  • Maladaptive Daydreaming
  • Mood swings make life complicated as you might crave for watching a movie but as soon as it starts you begin to feel irritated. You might even cry for no reason at all.
  • No matter how concerned you are about your diet plan and such things but your taste buds wish for odd things at odd timings.

External Symptoms

The external signs can be perceived by not only the female but others as well. Read them carefully because you might be able to help someone else and urge them to take the PMS Quiz to treat this monthly condition.

  • Headache and body ache without any such reason.
  • Sore and swollen breasts.
  • Different problems related to digestion like diarrhea, gassy feeling, emptiness even after taking the meal, constipation, and others.
  • Skin dullness, acne, pimples, pigmentation, and other issues are also some notable symptoms of PMS.
  • At times, swelling on the abdomen and feet can also occur although you didn’t do anything other than usual work.
  • Keep in mind that it is not necessary that every female would have all these signs and symptoms even if they have PMS. They vary from person to person and other factors like work schedule, weather, stress, and etc.


The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and early pregnancy are surprisingly similar. This is why this question is often asked by females that whether it is a good news or just another signal to the next periods. There is no doubt in the fact that the symptoms are quite similar but you can take the Pms Or Pregnancy Quiz right now to check.

The other way to find out is patience. If you wait for a day or two then things would be crystal clear. If it is PMS then things would continue to happen. However, if you’re pregnant then along with the symptoms you can have light bleeding and the PMS signs would progress to pregnancy signs.


Honestly, there are no specific or stated reasons for PMS and neither do doctors have the answer to this question. But, it is believed that smoking, alcohol consumption, stress, and intense physical activities can be its causes.


There are a lot of things that can help you stand strong against PMS. For instance:

  • Have a healthy and balanced diet and include fluids like juices and shakes on daily basis.
  • Make exercise a habit. You can try walking and some aerobics for half an hour daily.
  • Involve yourself in some relaxing and fun activities to decrease your daily stress. Try to stay happy and make out some time for yourself.
  • Manage your routine. Sleep peacefully and don’t stress yourself unnecessarily to avoid fatigue.
  • Take supplements regularly.


If the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome persist and become more intense then make sure you visit your doctor as soon as possible. Usually, the doctors treat PMS patients with spironolactone, hormonal contraceptives, sertraline, naproxen sodium fluoxetine, paroxetine, ibuprofen, and others.


You seem worried about your condition so answer the Am I Pregnant Or Pms Quiz. This way all your confusions would be cleared in a matter of minutes.

Disclaimer: This quiz is created for fun purposes only. You should seek an advice from a professional if you have any symptoms.

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