Mental and Health

Maladaptive Daydreaming Test Quiz: Do I Have Maladaptive Daydreaming?

MD Test: Do You Have Maladaptive Daydreaming Quiz

Do you often observe in yourself and people around also say “Are you lost in daydreams?” Well, maybe you are Lost in the world of your imaginations and dreams. Honestly, on the planet earth, almost 47% of people daydream and it’s not absolutely bad or unhealthy in such a way. However, the things might slip out of your hands and you might not even notice.

On the other hand, you think or your friends and loved ones have suggested that you might have the “Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder”. It can be true as well or their mere observation as well. But you are feared of visiting the psychiatrist or therapist to get checked since you are doubtful OR you just wish to assess yourself. Who wants to pay such a healthy amount to the doctor when you have the most reliable Maladaptive Daydreaming Test Quiz!

Not only the maladaptive daydreaming disorder test will help you out but we are here to facilitate you in every way. So sit back and relax while reading the most important things you MUST know about maladaptive daydreaming.


Before answering the do you have the Maladaptive Daydreaming Quiz you must know about this mental disorder because every answer that you give affects its result. Basically, maladaptive daydreaming is a phenomenon in which a person tends to be more in his imagination than in the real world. Due to this they give less importance to their surroundings and enjoy their utopia.

Maladaptive Daydreaming Test Quiz

It isn’t necessary that a person continuously daydreams, instead he or she might slip into their imaginative world and the real world more often. This surely affects their health, performance, studies, relations, and other such vital things. Keep in mind that this disorder is in no way genetic. However, it might arise in a person due to some grave memories, incidents, or any intense affairs that happened in the near past.


Are you willing to know what does maladaptive daydreaming feels like? Well, if you visualize MA from their mind then you might see something aesthetic, interesting, and with great detail. For instance, if they’d be thinking about a story then you’d perceive the landscape, dialogues, characters, and every single thing would be perfect and well defined. Keeping this in mind, any other thing that they imagine would also seem similarly detailed, defined, and amusing.


Here are some symptoms that are observed in this disorder. Do read them prior to answering the Do I Have The Maladaptive Daydreaming Quiz.

Facial Expressions and Gestures

The most frequently observed symptom in MD is the facial expressions of the sufferer. They give expressions that are unexplainable at the moment. The thing that is worth noticing is that they don’t remember where they are and whether others are watching them or not because they are only physically present not mentally.

Unusual Babbling

Since we have already discussed about facial expressions and gestures then you must be thinking that why self-talking is mentioned separately? Well, it is not necessary that every MD talks while most of them portray different facial expressions. However, this is a major thing and an identifying element in an MD. If you observe this is noticed in someone then there are 80% chances of having maladaptive daydreaming. In this case, you should also have a look at Sissy Test.

Mental Absence

Yes, by mental absence we mean that they are in another world of imagination. People with MD at times even forget where they are when are interrupted suddenly. Due to this, they face serious issues like lack of attention. It is quite obvious that when you would not pay attention to your work, conversation, and such thing then what would be the consequence? Isolation and introverted nature are the results and such people adore it more since they get more time in their fantasy world.

Work Pressure

An action always has a reaction and so when maladaptive daydreamers put less focus on work then eventually they bear work pressure due to slow output. At this point, it is up to their capability whether they get control over their mind and work or face more severe issues related to work and studies.

The people around can observe multiple mistakes in their daily activities, work, and at times glances to their imaginative world as well (if the person writes something!)

Discontinuous Sleep

It is quite logical that when you keep thinking about the same thing, scene, story, or etc all day then it would end up in your dreams as well. So, the daydreamers find it problematic to sleep soundly at night. What they might go through is disturbed sleep and awakening after every now and then. Moreover, their dreams might offend them more and so the mental peace of night sleep also vanishes gradually.


In case, in the Maladaptive Daydreaming Test you find that you are a maladaptive daydreamer then here are a few things that might help you to quit maladaptive daydreaming…

Well, going to a therapist is the best option but there are a few things you can do on your end. For instance, if you notice that your MA triggers whenever you are alone then try to be more social and invite a friend to your place for some days. Moreover, observe yourself more and begin noting what things indulge you in imaginations.

Mental pep talk and self-observation are two main things that can help you out in quitting MA for sure. Other than these, emphasize on having a better sleeping routine and look for something in which you have an interest. With that, you would be able to avoid daydreaming and would focus on new hobby/hobbies.

Do I Have Maladaptive Daydreaming?

Do I Have Maladaptive Daydreaming  

In the Maladaptive Daydreaming Quiz you’d be asked some questions related to your normal life. The result would be generated on its basis so make sure you mark each carefully!!! Are you ready, then CLICK START…

Disclaimer: This quiz is created for fun purposes only. You should seek advice from a professional if you have any symptoms.

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