Mental and Health

Do I Need A Root Canal Quiz – Are Root Canals Necessary?

Root Canal Test – Do You Need a Root Canal Treatment?

Oh! You aren’t able to eat anything and neither can you drink! Aaoo, this must be quite painful! So, you think that you might need a root canal. Oh well, since you are thinking to get an appointment with your dentist, then why not answer the Do I Need A Root Canal Quiz. This quiz is specifically made for people who are scared to visit their dentist and don’t want to lose their teeth.

Don’t worry about the need for the root canal because it isn’t as painful as you are imagining. Scroll down and within a few minutes find out whether you need a root canal or not? Along with the most important things you must know about a root canal. Read quickly as your pain might shoot up if not given proper treatment…


When the dentist detects that your teeth are infected by bacteria and plague and it has reached the roots then he would suggest a root canal. Basically, all that happens is simple and effortless. Every single tooth has multiple layers and when your inner layer “pulp” is affected. The pulp is infected, swelled, or inflamed and the dentist needs to cure it.

Do I Need a Root Canal Quiz

In order to work on the pulp, the tooth layers like enamel and dentin are denture in order to touch the core. This way, the real tooth is saved and it gets no damage which is the best thing about a root canal. Even if the whole pulp is infected and extracted even then the tooth is preserved. Your tooth would always help you out in giving a perfect smile.


It isn’t that you began to feel pain and it would 100% be the problem of root canal (other things are also possible). Here are some of the signs that’d indicate if you need a root canal!

Extreme Pain

If your tooth needs a root canal then the most visible sign would be severe and unbearable pain. The pain would not only stick to the tooth or gum that is infected but would spread to the whole side of the mouth. It would feel like waves of pain streaking from mouth to brain and it really doesn’t allow anyone to work, eat, or even sleep. By the way, don't worry! We all feel a bit Sissy with this kind of pain.


Once you began to feel the pain, then look for swollen areas. At times, only the gums turn red and you can feel swelling over the gums. Whereas, if you try to bear the pain for a longer time then the swelling reaches the cheeks as well.

Change In Color Of Gums

It sometimes happens that people can’t observe swelling, then the tip is to look for the color of gums. If your tooth or gums needs a root canal then the color changes to red and even darker.

Texture Of Gum

Since the bacteria affects the roots of gums so not only the color but also the texture of the gums changes. Visible sores or bumps on gum make the things more complicated and painful. Due to these bumps and gum pimples, one cannot eat and even feels a painful sensation while drinking anything.


Sensitivity is a sharp and painful sensation that only stands for milliseconds. It is felt when one eats or drinks something hot or cold. One of the earliest signs of a root canal is sensitivity. Many people do not consider sensitivity a major issue but in actuality, it is one of the symptoms that occur long before the conditions get grave.


Most of us avoid root canal treatments because we are feared of the treatment and the pain we’ll have to go through. This is the reason why many of you inquire that can a tooth that needs a root canal heal itself? This is not possible even if you use the best home remedies or even the best and most expensive medicines.

In a nutshell, you need a root canal if all the above signs and symptoms are true in your case. Get to know the procedure of root canal in the easiest way.

Steps Of Root Canal

The procedure of the root canal is explained in the most concise and uncomplicated way! Read below…

  • First, the dentist would assess the bad tooth through a root canal x-ray. With that, they get to know about the intensity of the toothache and the damage that has been caused to it.
  • With the x-ray, the dentist decides the dose of local anesthesia and the area becomes numb. This clearly means no pain at all during the root canal! (Yes, you read it right so stop getting hyper for it!)
  • An opening in the tooth is made to enter the depth. Through this narrow opening, the dentist cleans all the unwanted substances and bacteria.
  • The narrow opening is filled with gutta-percha. A substance that is adhesive and fills the opening. It can be permanent as well as temporary, depending on the choice of your dentist.
  • Last but not the least, a crown is placed to make the tooth safer than ever. This crown would protect the tooth for a longer period and no harm would be caused.


We have been listening to the dentists and in the advertisements as well that the only way to have a healthier mouth and teeth is by brushing thoroughly, floss, dental checkup, and most of all, intake of less sugary foods and drinks. Only this way you can save yourself from spending hundreds of dollars on it!


Well, what’s the purpose of life if you choose to bear the pain and not go to the dentist? So, answer the Root Canal Quiz with all honesty and find out if you need a root canal or it’s just a normal tooth pain just because you have dumped in some extra chocolates…

Disclaimer: This quiz is created for fun purposes only. You should immediately seek medical advice from a professional if you are in a serious pain.

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