
Emotional Abuse Test – Are You Emotionally Abused?

Are You Emotionally Abused Quiz

You might be emotionally abused and you have no idea. Try the 98.99% accurate Emotional Abuse Quiz and realize the truth hidden in talks.


When someone tries to manipulate, control, or influence minds with their negative approach then that is known as emotional abuse. This includes insulting comments, sarcastic jokes, accusing, irrational thought provocation, utter misbehavior, etc. All this is done through words! Yes, words can cut deeper than a knife.

Emotional Abuse Test

Emotional Abuse


Before mentioning any sign that indicates and proves that you are/might be emotionally abused, there’re a few things you must know. Look, you must keep in mind, humans of any age and gender can be abused. The relationship doesn’t matter as it can be your friends, life partner, date, teacher, or anyone in the world. Here are some signs that can reveal if you are emotionally abused or not.

Increased Voice

One of the most hurtful points of any conversation is when the voices are raised. Yes, once the high-pitched yelling begins, it’s also impossible to hold the harness. Keep in mind that anyone who raises their voice and tries to manipulate you with fear and bossiness, he/she isn’t good. This is a huge red flag because anyone who loves you won’t rise their volume at every small issue.


Everything is considerable until it is between four walls. But, once someone tries to be under your skin and bicker in public, things go out of hand. The embarrassment, tears, and sobs are hard to suppress when someone says that shouldn’t be allowed to be revealed in front of everyone. The fights and bickering that take place in public always have very extreme consequences. After all, the audience around heard and saw everything. How the hell would you face any of them ever again?

Rough Jokes

Some people (either the most distant or the closest) use jokes as their weapons. These jokes are more like a punch in the gut and hurt. The sarcastic tone, visible arguments, and unkempt tone of the jokes make it so obvious to everyone. People taunting a person through jokes is so common nowadays. However, little does anyone know how dangerous these attempts can be for someone’s mental health.


We all have faced this, haven’t we? You were about to opt for a risk, rise higher, and work a little harder and the very same point you are based on! Do you know why you just lost your morale? One comment of discouragement was enough to deflate your hopes and dreams. People intentionally and unintentionally spill whatever comes into their mind and yet it has a negative impact. This force can make anyone take a U-turn on the road to success.

Blame Game

It takes two to make a quarrel, keep that in mind! If the blame game doesn’t take anyone anywhere, then what’s the point behind it? Your fears led us to this, You are good for nothing, I lost because of you, you can’t be anything without me, etc. All these add to the blame game tricks where you hurt one another and are emotionally devastated at the end of it. Why? The picture sketched in such bickering is very depressive.


One of the most alarming problems of human beings is that they adopt things without even having background knowledge. Criticism has nothing negative in it because it highlights what could have been better. But, people take the most contradicting meanings. They think that to highlight the flaws with pomp and show is criticism. No, it isn’t! Criticizing someone’s looks, appearance, work, job, lifestyle, and all other things is what we all love to do. Dude, stop it! This is one of the signs of emotional abuse because can’t hear but you just shattered someone’s heart.

Annoying Remarks

Do you know what irritates humans the most (as per the general view)? The insistent degrading and negative remarks were said in a manner of amusement. Usually, this is observed in offices, classes, schools, and other competitive areas. These remarks may or may not have a direct and immediate effect but when they link together with other chains, it’s hard to counter. No one should be allowed to harm any human in such a way. Trust us, it is more like slow poison.

By the way, how much empathy is there in your heart? Are you someone who has more empathy than necessary? Take the Empathy Test to find out!


When you love and adore someone, you seek attention and affection from them. But, every emotion fades away if distance comes in the way. A wife, husband, mother, father, child, friend no matter what relation you say each one requires time. Once you begin to neglect anyone, consider them gone. The worst part is when someone does it on purpose. Usually, we have this condition in relationships. The guy or the girl just steps back and does not contact. This has the worst effect not only on the heart but also on the brain as well.


Are You Emotionally Abused

Are You Emotionally Abused


Yes, as far as your answers conveyed, you are emotionally abused. Don't let others play with your kindness and emotions.


100% - Emotional Abuse


People around you think that you are an easy prey and this is why they misuse your feelings. Yes, to most extent, you are being used. Stop this! Take reigns in your hands.


70% - Emotional Abuse


You aren't emotionally abused, maybe a few idiots are trying that but they are unaware of your wit and intelligence.


35% - Emotional Abuse


No! It's all in your head. Everything is good so you shouldn't think negatively...


0% - Emotional Abuse


Are You Emotionally Abused Quiz is here to end your stress? No matter if you are pondering whether your partner/friend/parent/colleagues are emotionally abusive. The quiz can give an answer regardless what your relationship is with the person. So, you can have faith in the quiz and in yourself too. Come on, be fearless…

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