
Parenting Quiz: Are you a good parent or a bad parent?

Will you make a good parent or not?

Parenting is a 24/7 hard job! All parents try their best to be ideal, but there are millions of things you need to do for kids, family, work, and all. The pressures and work load has some serious effects on parents’ behavior. You might sometimes think about your parenting skills; for instance if you are providing what your child requires other than the basic needs, or you might assess yourself to ideate whether you are a good parent or not. Relax! Don’t worry much! We are here to guide you a way that would help you to evaluate yourself through the Parenting Quiz - Are you a Good or a Bad parent?

On the other hand, if your children think you are a bad or worse parent in the world than make them sit with you and give answers to our Are you a bad parent Quiz.  This would lead your children to know more about your parenting attributes. If you are still getting upset with the results of the parenting quiz then read the details below to know more about if you are a good or a bad one.

Before heading into the quiz; let’s gather the qualities of parents into two groups; bad parent traits and good parent qualities. Match your qualities with the ones mentioned and answer the Parents Quiz - Are you a good parent or bad parent for confirmation.


Are You a Good Parent?

There are general qualities that are considered best for parenting. Let’s get to know what are they!

Best Friend Rather Than A Strict Teacher

Parents are really the first teachers we get; from talking, walking, and eating, every basic thing is taught to us by parents. But, the ideal parents are those who teach how to live with love and compassion rather like a strict teacher who punishes all the time if anything goes wrong. The parents who become friends of their children always bring up the best humans for society.

Are A Perfect Role Model     

Kids imitate what they observe, and according to researches, children have habits and personality containing 90% of what they observe whether from parents, TV, friends, or other sources in contact. The best parents are those which know what to say and how to behave in front of children. If a parent is quick tempered, uses language that is inappropriate, or reacts more by exaggerating the issues than children do the same. So, parents should be a perfect example for their kids and pass good traits to them.

Make Children Confident

Among other best parent qualities, we believe that the most important one is making a child confident. Parent who always spoon feed their children and are over protective make the children incapable and timid, as they are never taught to fight and struggle which begets huge problems in future. It might also be good to take Rice Purity Test before judging your parenting. It will help you to understand if you are pure or not.

Establish Limits And Boundaries

Admirable parents discuss the limits and boundaries with their children and ease them with the growing age. The phenomena of implementing strict and useless rules, and threats of being grounded only make children arrogant and immodest. The more parents adopt the approach of talking things out the less strained their relationship gets.

Let Them Learn From Experiences

What we feel is best about good parent is that they allow children to learn from their experiences. This never halts their learning procedure and makes them more creative and active towards novel ideas which are what the world is looking for. If you are a good parent, you motivate, appreciate success and support in failures.


Are You a Bad Parent?

If you have ever thought: ‘Am I a bad parent?’ than read to check the signs of bad parents.

Never Guide

Look, the most essential thing in life is right guidance and bad parents really never guide. Either they want children to do what they say or are busy enough to give them time to explain what is best for them. This type of parents are in some cases always in a bad mood and children hardly ever go to them for discussing any matter which causes them greater problems.

Act Like A Military Officer

Some of the major determining traits of bad parents includes being bossy. They always want things in their way and put pressure on kids to listen and do what they wish, and if children try to argue or suggest any other way then they act like military officer; either do or be ready for consequences! Parent having this attitude are extremely strict about things like time of getting home, no car, no extra money, no fun and only study, etc.

Over Concerned Parents

Being aware about the children is good, but when a parent tries to be overprotective and wishes to know about every single thing that is happening in their kid’s life, this is annoying. We understand that parents are always worried for their children, but hovering over their heads is a trait of bad parent. Children need some space and time to solve their problems by themselves and over concerned parents do not understand, this causes children never to be able to handle things.

High Expectations

Look, life is short and many of people living aren’t able to achieve what they plan, but this simple thing isn’t understood by some people, who do not have the right to be called parents. Why some parents expect their children to be something they don’t desire to be; getting high grades, being good at sports and other co-curricular activities, or many other things are what make everyone individual and unique. If every person has a high paid job, big house, luxurious car, and perfect life partner -what parents expect, than we don’t think life on earth would balance anymore!

Compare Their Children

We would highly suggest that if parents compare their kids with others, even if they are young or old, please stop doing this! You are making the situations worse. This act of comparing and giving examples of others leads to serious confidence issues and might lead to depression.


Have you ever watched the Bad Parents Movie? or Are you ready to dig into the Parents Quiz to prove your skills of parenting? Then don't waste a second, click start button below to take the quiz now!

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