TV Shows and Series

Friends Personality Test – Which FRIENDS Character Are You?

What Friends Character Are You Quiz

Have you ever think that which one of the them would be the best match to your soul and personality? This Friends personality test will help you to find out if you are Monica Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Rachel Green, Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani or Ross Geller!

Do you like shopping like Rachel or you are a lover like Ross? Do you love cooking like Monica or are you more into sarcasm like Chandler? Then take this friends test quiz to find out your Friends personality twin!

Which Friends Character Are You Most Like?

Friends Character Quiz

We will ask you questions about your personality and your preferences. At the end of the test you will find out your friends character.

This is the most detailed FRIENDS personality quiz! Do not forget to share it with your friends as who knows maybe you are Rachel and your Ross is just waiting you somewhere in your facebook or tiktok feed. Or you are more likely Chandler and your Monica is cooking in the kitchen.

What are you waiting for? Take this super accurate friends personality test/quiz to find out!

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