Netflix Quizzes

The Upshaws Quiz – Which The Upshaws Character Are You?

Which The Upshaws Character Are You Quiz

Do you want to know which character are you in The Upshaws? Hurry up and answer The Upshaws Quiz to enter the comedy world of The Upshaws…


Have you watched The Upshaws? If Yes, then The Upshaws Test is for you because it is for one interesting purpose “Which The Upshaws character are you?” Enjoy some family time with all and one by one check which character in the family fits where in The Upshaws!


The plot of The Upshaws is different and interesting and the reason is the revival of all those years when comedy was light and funny. It was family time when all gathered to watch another family with loads of comedy and fun scenes. The Upshaws is also about a black family which has to go through everyday problems. Their life has unnecessary troubles when Maya Upshaw, Tony, Bernard Jr., Regina, Bennie, and Lucretia. This sitcom is dramatic and unexplainable because when you have hyper ladies, naughty kids, and a simple man who tries to solve everything singlehandedly. It all turns messy and laughable which ends on everyone’s screen.

The Upshaws Quiz

The Upshaws - Netflix


Let’s hit the 5 best characters in The Upshaws and get to know them closely!

Which The Upshaws Character Are You

The Upshaws Characters - Netflix

Bernard Upshaw

Bernard is known as Bennie in the show and he is the head of the family. He is serious, hardworking, and always worried for his family as they keep on bringing him into tough situations. Bennie often feels tired and desperate for peace as whenever he feels a bit relaxed, his family gives him a new shock. We do pity him but what can be done? Bennie after all has a loving family who stands with him in every problem.

You are very much like our Bennie because you are calm and composed even in times when it is tough to be. Plus, you are loaded with so many responsibilities and try to fulfill all with complete honesty. Go on, we and all others love you and are proud of you!

Bernard Upshaw

Bernard Upshaw - The Upshaws

Regina Upshaw

Since we have talked about the father then how can we forget the female caretaker of the family? Regina is a gem and tries to be a perfect woman who can handle everything but her children make it quite impossible for her. The endless work and growing age of her kids has made Regina a little hyper. When we see her with Bennie (her husband) she is affectionate and kind, but don’t forget how she can manipulate all (in a positive way) for her benefit.

We can observe that you and Regina have a very close resemblance in terms of personality. You are always there for everyone even if it is midnight! This is the reason why you are a hero who saves the day for all.

Regina Upshaw

Regina Upshaw - The Upshaws


Aaliyah is the middle child of Bennie and Regina and you know how what usually happens with them. They are mostly ignored (as per their view) and are cared for by no one because the eldest gets the power while the youngest gets the love. It is a dramatic situation for Aaliyah as she thinks she is avoided by all and tries her best to be independent.

Eh, you think you are alone in this world and nobody loves you but no, that’s wrong! Everyone is there for you but one thing is important. You must be brave and never think pessimistically.


Aaliyah - The Upshaws

Bernard Upshaw Jr.

The despair that Bernard Jr. has in his heart is saddening. He is the eldest son of Bennie and Regina and has suffered the most. Bernard thinks that his father doesn’t care about him as he has been without a father figure for many years. Now, that the family is together again, Bernard finds it hard to adjust and doesn’t even talk to his father.

Life has been unfair to you but what can be done, no one is exempted by destiny! All we can do is go with the flow and adjust to things as there is no other way. You are a fighter who has been through much already and can even combat further.

Bernard Upshaw Jr.

Bernard Upshaw Jr. - The Upshaws

Maya Upshaw

Maya is the youngest child in the family and has most tantrums. Everyone plays in her hands as she can be very clever for her personal benefit. She is cute and portrays her innocence which is eventually very useful for her. The scenes get very funny when she enters. Though Maya is the youngest but she often says the most intelligent things and leaves everyone astonished.

You are smart and know exactly what to do at the right time. People do know your traits but say nothing because you are quite helpful. Plus, you are the funniest person in the gang which is why you are worth more than anyone. Nobody can get bored with you!

Maya Upshaw

Maya Upshaw - The Upshaws

Have you seen Zoey 101? If you really love this sitcom then get to know which character are you in it with viral going Zoey 101 Quiz.


Okay then, are you all set for finding out which The Upshaws character are you most like? Good, just click START to answer The Upshaws Trivia and in two minutes you’ll know which role can you play in The Upshaws!

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