
Red Flags in Relationships – What is your Red Flag Quiz

Let’s Measure Red Flags of Your Relationship

Having a relationship is important for a happy and healthy life, but we often make the wrong choices. It is indeed a fact that humans have different criteria of happiness and joy and so choose different humans (as partners) to make their life better. No worries if you have been through some bad experiences in the past because we all learn this way. However, we have found a way that can make your love life easier and all you have to do is keep your eyes and ears open, and your brain active!

So, our first question from you is that can you identify “Red Flags in Relationships?” If you are able to do this then trust us, you’d find the right person for yourself very quickly. Hmm, no need to be tense if you have no idea about red flags in relationships because we can guarantee to make you a “Relationship Specialist” in the next few minutes. All you have to do is read about this below and answer the Red Flags in Relationships Quiz. Simple!


Red Flags in Relationships

“Red Flag” is raised whenever something needs to be halted or stopped. This is the reason why the unhealthy and toxic behavior of a partner in a relationship is known as Red Flags in dating. It is said that love is blind, but this blindness has broken many hearts and continues to do so. Hence, it is better to know what Red flag are you?


It is a fact that sometimes we ignore what is there in front of our eyes and later we ask ourselves “Am I ignoring Red Flags in my relationship?” If you are smart then you would question this earlier before it is too late to step back. So, What is your Red Flag Quiz is here to stop if you are heading towards a wrong decision.

Odd Behavior For No Reason

Well, it all starts with irrational behavior. Whether you talk about mood swings, jealousy, dictatorship-kind of feeling in the relationship is what would make you feel uneasy at some point. The thing that must be noticed is that it all happens gradually and you find it hard to observe.

For instance, a sudden offensive reaction when you plan out with your friends and family, aggression over small disagreements, etc. If you do things their way even then they try to chain the partner never trusting them at cost.

Never Take Responsibility

What is your Red Flag Quiz

There is always someone around who throws the blame on others, but make sure your date doesn’t do this often. It is because in the start they might blame you for trivial things but if this keeps on going then they might question and condemn you for your choices like your job, friends, living style, hobbies, even clothes, etc.

In extreme cases, partners make their relationship rigid by placing the responsibility of every bad thing on the other person which ends them up with depression, loss of mindfulness, less confident attitude, etc. Never live with a person who makes you feel inferior in front of others. By the way, you can find your dating strengths and weaknesses here.

Fanatic Personality

One of the Red Flag signs includes the obsessive personality of one’s partner. They aren’t ready to share their things, people, ideas, or even thoughts. Their ideology of keeping things to themselves is what makes them isolated from others. The simplest example can be of finding it hard to share a book, car, clothes, or even advice.

As far as the relationship is concerned, toxic partners never have the sense of “we” in matters, instead their egoistic “I” is what makes things worse with time. They find it hard to mingle with people other than their small social circle and wish their date to follow in their footsteps as well.

Manipulative Ideology

A huge Red Flag if you have ever felt that your relationship is setting limits because of the manipulation your partner does. It can be pretty bad and the sweet blood flows into your mind like venom and disable your brain and heart and so you can’t decide things on your own. It’s all because of those sugar-coated words.

Do what you think is right and never fall into the traps of your significant other no matter how much love they shed on you in the order you bring you on the same page. One of the things that are often observed is the proposal of marriage with a dreamy setting which the other can’t deny. Marry when you think it’s time, not when you feel burdened with words and unnecessary efforts.


Make sure you know what the result of the Red Flag In Dating Quiz means. Here is a guide to help you out!


This is great news! We wish that every person who tries the quiz receives this result as it indicates that your partner is in no way unhealthy for your life. Plus, every relationship has some ups and downs so no need to worry about them.


Umm, there are chances that all this negativity is temporary and because of some specific reasons. Yet, be careful if the red flag signs persist. Do answer the quiz again after a month to confirm your suspicions and step back from the relationship if things continue this way.


Things are going above the levels. Make sure you get off this boat before it’s too late. Never risk your life and mental peace for anyone!


Oh no! You are likely to be in a mess so make sure you carefully mark your steps or else you would end up into bigger issues.


Seems like you are mentally and emotionally prepared for the turn your life is about to take (either good or bad). Embrace your emotions and take the Red Flag Personality Quiz to lift off the tensions from your shoulders.

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