TV Shows and Series

Red Rose Quiz – Which Red Rose Character Are You?

Which Red Rose Character Are You Quiz

Instead of the Red Rose app, get hold of the Red Rose Quiz to enter a new world. But first, reveal which Red Rose character are you in 2 minutes!


Before you begin to watch Red Rose, make sure you have the core knowledge of what you are about to enter! This series has loads to offer but can you hold on to it? Scroll down to know…

Red Rose Quiz

Red Rose - Netflix

Is Red Rose A Good Watch?

Red Rose series carries the genre of horror, thrill, and drama so well. Indeed, this teen tale is something you’ll enjoy thoroughly. You never really can predict what the next scene would bring for you. Although it’s just a story yet everything feels so real and we keep on diving deeper into the catapult. If you relish teen thrillers that involve tech advancement and astonishing plot twists then you would be a fan of Red Rose series. It inculcates a fast-moving plot, dark, suspense filled setting, and well-defined characters that would leave you fascinated.

Is Red Rose A True Story?

Nope! You might think that Red Rose is a true story as there are several dark apps that are threatening for teens. But no, this series is based on any real events or instances.

Where Can I Watch Red Rose Series?

You can watch all episodes of Red Rose series on Netflix and BBC iPlayer.

How Many Episodes Of Red Rose?

You can watch all 8 episodes of Red Rose series in the following sequence.

  1. The Garden
  2. The Garden
  3. Scapegoat
  4. Manchester Innit
  5. Lockdown
  6. Results Day
  7. I Heart BLTN
  8. The Gardener

What Is Red Rose Series About?

Red Rose series pulls off with teenagers who are more than happy to be free from high school. They are about to jump into college life. Well, we all know the fascination this part brings to life. During this summer break, this group of friends has planned so much but they have no idea what fate has planned for them. One of the friends, Rochelle, downloads an attractive looking app named “Red Rose”. As soon as she begins to spend time on it, Rochelle gets disconnected from the real world and acts very strangely. What happens next was unfathomable as Rochelle commits suicide! All her friends are unable to undermine the reasons as nothing as such was expected in any way. This triggers them to dive deeper into her life before death.

It is obvious that Rochelle’s friends have doubts about the new app RR (Red Rose) and feel that her death was its consequence. In order to know the truth each one downloads the app and begins to perceive reality. They all have entered a mess that isn’t facile to handle and they might even lose their life. What do you think would be the end of RR?

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Which Red Rose Character Are You

Red Rose Characters - Netflix


You are incredibly loyal, caring, and intelligent. People can count on you as you are there through thick and thin, and never waver in dedication to your friendship. Whether it's cooking a nutritious meal or offering a comforting hug, you always know just what to do to make you feel better. Whether it's a difficult problem to solve or a complex idea to understand, you tackle it head-on with confidence and enthusiasm.

Wren is someone who is a true friend and confidant. Even though Rochelle stole her boyfriend, Wren still had a soft corner for her. It is clear as day that Wren is among the first ones who try to figure out the reason behind Roch’s death without any fear.


Wren - Red Rose

Rick Bennet

You have a deep desire to learn and understand the world around you, but you also value your alone time and introspection. When you encounter something new or interesting, your curiosity takes over and you can't help but want to dive deeper into it. You might spend hours researching a topic, reading books and articles, watching videos, and taking notes.

Rick is one mysterious personality who remains impassive at the very beginning of the story. However, things begin to unfold soon and we realize the real Rick.

Rick Bennet

Rick Bennet - Red Rose


You are someone independent, diligent, and fearless. With a strong sense of self, you are not designed to march to the beat of anyone’s drum. Plus, you are not influenced by others and have the courage to stand up for what you believe in, even when it's unpopular. We could perceive that you have a strong work ethic and aren’t afraid to put in the time and effort needed to achieve the goals. Hence, you are focused, dedicated, and don't give up easily.

Ashley knows exactly how to deal with it all. The ones who are worthy of love, she showers them with while for haters, she turns into a devil. The girl is fearless and eagerly goes for anything that can bring peace to her life. Simply told, Ashley eagerly resolves the issues that make her life chaotic.


Ashley - Red Rose

Anthony / Ant

You are sweet, friendly, and always looking for love. We know you have a kind, gentle nature, and are always looking for ways to make others feel happy and appreciated. You have a warm smile and a welcoming demeanor that makes it easy for people to feel comfortable around you.

Everybody wants a friend like Ant in life. He always has the back of others and tries to be as helpful as possible. But, he has definitely hidden some secrets in life. The poor Ant feels lonely and desires to be loved and has quite a history of using dating apps. Because of him, the Red Rose app mystery turned more exciting.

Anthony / Ant

Anthony / Ant - Red Rose


Keep pursuing your passions and interests, and don't be afraid to take time for yourself when you need it. Dive into your personality to know which Red Rose character are you most like with the Ultimate “Red Rose Personality Quiz”.

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