
Do You Have Obsessive Love Disorder Test – 100% Accurate

Obsessive Love Disorder Test. 100% Accurate Relationship Quiz

Maybe your love is taking a wrong turn and is more like an obsession! Get to know do you have obsessive love disorder or not with the trusted and 100% honest Obsessive Love Disorder Test.

Obsessive Love Disorder

Obsessive Love Disorder


We know that you think love is pure and whatever we do in love is fair and for the best of others may it be our love for parents, friends, date, husband, wife, kids, etc. But, have you ever noticed that sometimes love alters into an obsession for others? People turn hostile toward the specific other, their love for them doesn’t give affection instead it suffocates. This condition is what can be called “Obsessive Love Disorder.”

In this psychological disorder, a person loves someone to the extent that they become overprotective, remain anxious, and try to run their love’s life. Have you watched You? In that series, Joe was not in love with Beck, he was obsessed with the girl and wanted her to be his forever and at any cost! Basically, Joe was suffering from Obsessive Love Disorder.


The Obsessive Love Disorder Test consists of 15 questions. People who wish to know “Do I have Obsessive Love Disorder?” must answer all the questions honestly. As soon as you would be done answering, our quiz would reveal if you really have Obsessive Love Disorder or Are you dating an obsessive lover?


Obsessive Love

The thing which you feel towards the other person (supposedly love) is not the affection that you think it is. Actually, you would have a fondness for ownership. Your mind and heart would say that the person belongs to you and you only. This isn’t love because when you love someone, you give them space, freedom, and air to breathe instead of making them feel as if you are their owner.

Mind Takes Over Heart

Basically, this disorder is psychological and here mind takes over the heart. Love is felt with the heart and it is the reason why people turn out to make decisions that are apparently stupid but those seem insane because we consider it with our brain. If someone has symptoms of Obsessive Love Disorder then their brain would keep thinking about that one person and ways to bring him/her into the cage of love by manipulation.

Overprotected Feeling

There is a difference between being “Protective” and “Overprotective.” In the former, a person who loves you would help and support you in tough times and especially when you are in need. However, the latter is when you are guarded against people you don’t even need protection. Your partner would begin to suffocate you by not letting anyone close to you and would keep you chained (in some way). Freedom would be nowhere to be seen and it would be because you are being protected from supposed dangers.

All Eyes On You

A human has only eyes but if someone is obsessively in love with you then they would try to keep their eyes on each and every action of yours. For that, you would keep receiving calls and texts from their side. They would keep checking on you with phrases like, “What’s up?”, “Where are you?”, “Are you enjoying the day?”, “Do you miss me?” etc. The reason behind these checkup messages isn’t love, it is curiosity.


You both would end up in quarrels because both are facing difficulties. You on one hand are feeling stressed and caged while your partner would be anxious and jealous. Both sides can’t keep up and the reason is that the relationship is not based on love, it is infatuation and leads towards obsession over the other one.


Do You Have Obsessive Love Disorder Test

Do You Have Obsessive Love Disorder


Good thing! You are in love and this shows that you have 0% chances to be diagnosed with Obsessive Love Disorder. You might be a little overprotective and anxious about your partner but we feel it is a part of your personality rather than a psychological disorder.




Hmm, the test reveals that you are beginning to show signs of Obsessive Love Disorder. Though you haven’t reached the extreme level but we can see that you are being over-possessive, demanding, and judgmental. At this stage, you can easily turn back so make sure you get help and deal with it or else…




Well, this result is definitely worth stress! You are more than halfway through being a psychotic partner. We can see that your actions and thoughts are engulfing your real side and things are really getting out of your hands.




Woah, we weren’t expecting to see this! We are stressed and worried while claiming that you are diagnosed with Obsessive Love Disorder. All the above mentioned signs are observed in you. Your relationship isn’t based on the foundation of love instead, you are trying to own the person/s you like!




There are medications and therapies for treating OLD. We are mentioning some of the possible ways to control OLD but try after consultation with doctors and professionals.

Medications include:

  • Anti-anxiety medications
  • Antidepressants
  • Antipsychotics
  • Mood stabilizers

Therapies include:

Disconnect yourself with the person you think your heart is connected with in an unusual way. Try to think less about him or her and try to busy yourself with things that calm you. Your hobbies can be pretty helpful in this because they keep you busy and happy both. Some self-talk (mental pep-talk) can be useful because you need to make your brain realize that you can survive without that person.

It is necessary that after this quiz you also assess if you both are soulmates or not and this is only possible with the Twin Flame Compatibility Test!


Obsessive Love Disorder Test. 100% Honest Relationship Quiz is ready to reveal your condition so click START and know about yourself. However, after the quiz, it would be in your best interest to consult a doctor for professional help!

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