
Am I A Good Girlfriend Quiz – What Type Of Girlfriend Am I?

Am I The “Perfect Girlfriend” Quiz

Are you on self-assessment? Good then, let’s see if you are a good and ideal girlfriend or not. All you need to do is enter the “Am I A Good Girlfriend Quiz” and answer each question with complete honesty and you’ll know about yourself!


The Am I A Good Girlfriend Test is for all those girls who are tired of their unsuccessful relationships. You don’t know if it is your fault or not and this is why you are here as well. It’s time that you see if things don’t work out because of your behavior, attitude, or personality. The Are You A Good Girlfriend Quiz consists of only 15 questions which you need to answer with all honesty and then, get to know your real side.

Am I A Good Girlfriend Quiz

Am I A Good Girlfriend


Every human is different but there are categories in which almost all girlfriends can be distinguished. Read about the “4 Types Of Girlfriends” and see which do you fit well.

The Beauty Conscious

You are very conscious of your looks and appearance. You have a status that you don’t want to lessen because of anyone. Parties, clubs, and bars are your life and you want a boyfriend who doesn’t wait for the weekend in order to have fun. Plus, it’d be better if your partner is happy with your habit of shopping or else, things won’t work!

The Shy Type

You are very shy about everything and this mostly becomes a problem for you! You don’t like it when someone highlights you anywhere, even your boyfriend. The thing is that you don’t feel comfortable in limelight and try to spend simple moments of fun and joy with your partner. You prefer to live a simple and subtle life rather than something extraordinary and adventurous.

The Freak

Sorry to say but you are a freak! Your jealousy isn’t hidden from anyone as you don’t let your boyfriend look at any other girl. Even if he says hello to some (in a polite gesture), you turn hostile. It is a shame that you have checked your boyfriend's phone to see if he is cheating on you or not. Sometimes, you act like sticky glue and stay attached to your boyfriend no matter where he goes and so you turn out to be freakish.

The Player Type

You are someone who doesn’t care about others' emotions and affection, instead, you are more inclined toward your excitement and thrill. You involve in a relationship for fun and as soon as you feel bored, you leave. This doesn’t mean you ditch someone, it’s just that everyone knows what you are like; moody and unpredictable.


In the Are You A Good Girlfriend Quiz you might receive one of these in your results so keep your eyes open!

What Type Of Girlfriend Am I

What Type Of Girlfriend Am I

You Are Too Self-Obsessed

Unfortunately, you are too busy with yourself that you give less to no time to your relationships. This often leads to quarrels and fights and eventually, you spilt up. Try to take more interest in your relationship and boyfriend, and make them feel special like they do to you. Give less importance to your looks, appearance, like, and dislikes because being in a relationship means flexibility and cooperation. Even if your partner is trying to adjust to you with all this rude and stern behavior then how long do you think your boyfriend would manage with all this mess? Look into yourself and try to bring positive changes in yourself.

You Are Too Self-Obsessed

You Are Too Self-Obsessed

Be More Expressive

How do you think would someone understand what is inside you when you won’t even say it out loud? You are the one who remains quiet (most of the time), but that’s not a good sign if you want to be in a good and healthy relationship. It’s extremely irritating and confusing for your boyfriend to know what goes inside you whether it is good or bad. You don’t give a hint about why you are happy, sad, bewildered, anxious, etc.

We know you are a perfect listener but until you give your input on the relationship then how would it work? You are introverted but at least be a little open to your partner or else it would seem like you are forced into things.

Be More Expressive

Be More Expressive

Too Good To Hold

You are sweeter than honey and this is why your boyfriend leaves you soon. Too much sweetness is harmful to health and who would prefer self-harm? You always consider your partner before yourself, adjust for him, cooperate, never fight, forgive, and even let your boyfriend be the boss. But, what do you get in return? Sweetheart, you are too good to be true and once the guy understands this, they manipulate you for their self-interest and then “Goodbye!”, “It was nice to be with you!”, blah blah blah. Know your self-worth and don’t let others use you like a mat!

Too Good To Hold

Too Good To Hold

If you are asking yourself  "Am I really in love?" then don't get stressed because the viral going  Am I really in love Quiz can help you get a 100% accurate answer!

Hey Ideal Girlfriend!

Everybody wants a girlfriend like you because you are perfect in every way. You like to party, work hard in the office, care about your boyfriend, cooperate in all kinds of circumstances, and never create a fuss. It is a fact that you are an easy person to live with and this is the reason why every guy wants to be in a relationship with you. You maintain good looks and try to be real rather than imitating to be like someone else. Make sure you stay like this forever.

Hey Ideal Girlfriend!

Hey Ideal Girlfriend!


Maybe you are too cool, weird, crazy, intellectual, irritating, or good for your boyfriend. Let your boyfriend and all your exes know what kind of a girlfriend are you. Once you would know your type then you’d be able to find the perfect type of boyfriend for yourself as well!

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