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Common Sense Quiz: Measure Your Common Sense – %100 Accurate

Most Accurate Common Sense Trivia

Are you also tired of receiving the comment “Common sense is not so common” while you talk to people? Well, what do you think they have in mind about you, probably they have in mind that you lack common sense and can’t move with them since you are dumb? Do you also think that you have no sense and are dumb? No no, of course not! We can help you to prove to the world that you are smarter than all. You are desperate to know how can you find out if you have common sense or not???

There is an easy way, the “Common Sense Quiz”! This quiz has some challenging questions and once you answer all the questions then you can unveil whether you have common sense or not. Consider this Common Sense Meter as your common sense test that can be the best chance to prove it wrong. Furthermore, don’t forget to share your result as proof to all so nobody can deny your intelligence anymore.

One more thing, before you go for the Common Sense Trivia make sure you read the signs that can make you seem like a champ in every situation.


Here are some commonly observed signs that can help you to check whether you are smarter than average people or not!

Always Have A Way Out

People with common sense usually have an easy way out of most of the things. Such people aren’t pessimistic and not only try to lift up themselves but others as well with the help of their ideas. You can say this in easy words that people with common sense are smart and intelligent (this might be true in some cases).

Imagine, you have to reach somewhere but are unable to go because your car isn’t working. Now, what would you pick “Going through a cab or subway” OR “Cancel the plan”? Here, if you have chosen to the first option then it means you have common sense and can go for the other way. However, some people are very emotional and wouldn’t go because their mood would be spoilt. That’s a thin line between common sense and nonsense!

Do Not Impose Decision On Anyone

This fact is not only important for someone to prove that they have common sense but is an ethic as well. Whether we talk about work, home, or even a relationship that is romantic or is of friendship only, no one must be allowed to impose a decision on anyone. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who don’t have enough common sense to know this fact and so wish to rule everyone’s life according to their desires.

It must be kept in mind that if you wouldn’t give freedom to someone then they would stay with you in any way. It’s completely logical that everyone needs the liberty to live and so the ones who think they can run their employees, friends, mates, partners, parents, siblings, etc are truly dumb. This simple rule logically leads towards mutual understandings and happier life.

Prefer Love Over Everything

It’s quite natural and logical for everyone nowadays to think that money is prioritized by everybody but it’s not all true. Maybe a few people think that money cannot buy all the happiness in this world but do you think it’s true? Well, a person with common sense would always agree to this because money can’t buy relations like a loyal friend, a good husband or wife, and etc. It's all about your what vibe do you give off!

Well, what would you do if you are dining with your girlfriend or boyfriend and you see a more handsome or prettier person in front of you? Would stare at him or her or would you delightfully enjoy dinner with the person you came with? If you have common sense then you’d know that cheating on someone is unethical. This way you would stay satisfied with whatever you have and would be happy to have what has been given to you. No wealth or material can replace the joy and gratification a human can give you and if this isn’t a part of your thoughts then you are undoubtedly dumb!

Never Follow Anyone’s Footsteps

This is a point that must be highlighted to everyone that it is completely illogical to follow in anyone’s footsteps. If you are one of those who follow someone else’s footsteps blindly then we can smell a lack of common sense! Whether you consider the example of religion, culture, or any other thing never follow anyone or anything aimlessly no matter whoever the person is.

Well, someone who has an appropriate and logical approach would use their own mind before acting. If everyone in this world would use their common sense in this regard then believe us there would be no chaos. Independent thinking is most essential for the presence of common sense.


Here are the results of Common Sense Meter explained…


Sadly, this result meter shows that you have no common sense at all!


Hmm, this shows that there is some presence of common sense but you still need to work harder for it. The result of 50% depicts that there is a possibility that you might be shy, introverted, or not that expressive but there is space for betterment.


Wow! Great job if you received this as your score. You can proudly show that you have common sense more than a majority of the people. You even have the courage to stand against anyone who degrades you or mocks you in front of all.


You have hit the score superbly! Your common sense has shown perfection in your attitude and personality.


Check out your common sense ratio and prove to the world that you are the most capable, intelligent, and competent person amongst all.

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