
Multiple Intelligences Quiz – What Type Of Intelligent Are You?

Multiple Intelligences Test

You are smart, but what is your type of intelligence? You better ask for the updated “Multiple Intelligences Quiz” which is trusted by all.


The 99.99% accurate “Multiple Intelligences Quiz” has been designed for a very important purpose. You have to answer some questions on the quiz and at the end, our highly capable system will reveal what type of intelligent are you.

Multiple Intelligences Quiz

Multiple Intelligences


To explain it in the easiest words, Howard Gardner was a genius who brought forward a theory related to intelligence. He claims that not all humans are equally intelligent, instead, have different “types” of intelligences. Some excel at one while others are at distinct ones. According to his research, there are seven different types of intelligences.


What Type Of Intelligent Are You

Types Of Intelligence

Linguistic Intelligence

You enjoy reading, writing, and conversing (Just Wow!). You might be able to write poetry or stories or have in-depth discussions about things in your spare time. To you, language is like your best buddy! Hence, you appreciate using words to express your ideas and thoughts, and you find them easy to come by. Plus, you have excellent communication skills. You have the ability to concisely explain concepts and make them sound engaging.

You care about small details, like punctuation and spelling. This indicates that you are extremely accurate and polished in both your writing and speech. You're an expert at conversing in a variety of settings. Recognize, that you possess a great gift that might make you a fantastic teacher, journalist, writer, or public speaker (in the future or now)!

Linguistic Intelligence

Linguistic Intelligence

Spatial Intelligence

Your thoughts are like vibrant paintings on a canvas (Oooh). You are really good at mentally producing images and making them come to life. Plans, diagrams, and maps? You are good at most of them! You somewhere possess a secret skill in design, building, or the arts. It's easy for you to make things appear nice.

What is your favorite pastime? Maybe painting, building, or drawing. For everything about plains, your memory is like a very well-organized filing cabinet. Locations, instructions, and layouts are easy for you to recall. You are observant of anything small that others could miss.

Spatial Intelligence

Spatial Intelligence

Musical Intelligence

Your heart is almost magically touched by music. You can experience a wide range of feelings when listening to certain tunes and rhythms, from enjoyment to nostalgia. When you perform live, you light up the stage. Performing music provides you happiness and pleasure, whether you go solo, in a band, in a choir, or just in a bathroom. You have a unique talent for appreciating and composing music.

You hum along with music with ease and you have a natural ability to forget the world around you. Well, you make it seem effortless, whether you're playing the violin, guitar, piano, or anything else. You can communicate your emotions through music. You might even use the lyrics or songwriting to express your feelings and ideas.

Musical Intelligence

Musical Intelligence

Are you up for some challenge! Take the “Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader Quiz” and tell the entire world that you aren’t dumb…

Physical Intelligence

Whether it's sprinting, jumping, or team sports, you're good at almost all physical activities and sports. You have a keen sense of body language and can figure out people's intents and feelings from their gestures. Physical exercises and hands-on experiences are the best ways to learn (You think so!). Doing things helps you remember.

You may be drawn to mindfulness and yoga because they integrate mental and physical health. So, you like spending time outside. You may be really interested in fitness and health since you understand how important physical wellness is.

Physical Intelligence

Physical Intelligence

Interpersonal Intelligence

Because you're personable, talkative, and an excellent listener; people gravitate towards you facilely. Others know to come to you when they need a good ear. Group environments suit you well. You're a good team player who works well with others, whether it's at your job, school, or in your personal life. When someone needs support or counsel, they come to you. Even when someone stays silent, you may still tell what kind of attitude and feelings they are in.

You are gifted with the ability to unite individuals. You're great at planning parties, get-togethers, and neighborhood activities.

Interpersonal Intelligence

Interpersonal Intelligence

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Self-reflection comes naturally to you (It’s gifted maybe). You enjoy examining your inner world and delving deeply into your thoughts. With enthusiasm, you are able to develop and accomplish personal goals. You can maintain motivation and focus on the things that are important to you when you have self-awareness. You like to make judgments based only on your own ideas and convictions and cherish your freedom. And, you have faith in your innate wisdom. It's common for you to think creatively and generate concepts and answers that are in line with your passions and inner ideals.

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Naturalistic Intelligence

You feel a strong bond with the nature and environment. You enjoy the natural beauty of the surroundings and feel at home in the woods, by the sea, or in the wilderness. If someone has any questions about the natural world, they can always come to you. Through photography, the beauty of nature is captured. The finesse of the natural world is frequently brought to light in your images. Your ideal day can involve outdoor pursuits like hiking, camping, or other outdoor activities. The great outdoors is where you flourish.

Naturalistic Intelligence

Naturalistic Intelligence

Existential Intelligence

You've always been drawn to thinking about the fundamental issues in life, such as why you're here, what reality is like, and what your mission is. Your thoughts on your life, the state of humanity, and the secrets of the cosmos frequently leave you speechless. Thinking about other people's feelings and experiences makes you more empathetic, which is often the result of your existential intelligence.

Existential Intelligence

Existential Intelligence

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

You are best friends with numbers. From the most fundamental to the most complex arithmetic concepts, you excel at it all. You're quite good at dissecting issues and working them out piece by piece. Because science frequently requires logical reasoning and problem-solving, you may be a fan of the subject. You excel in chemistry, computer science, and physics. When looking at data or information, you can identify links and relationships that others would overlook. Since strategy games like chess demand careful planning and thought, you could like them.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence


You seem to be ready for the revelation about what kind of intelligence you are. Not necessary that you are only good at maths, music, studies, eloquence, etc. Each one is different and so is your intelligent side. So, let the Multiple Intelligences Test decide, and you calm down!

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