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Why Am I Single Quiz – Find Out Why You’re Still Single?

Am I Undateable Quiz

Why don’t your relationships work? Is anything wrong with you? Find the answers to these questions with 100% accurate Why Am I Still Single Quiz.


Relationships aren’t easy to continue! Every relationship is a different kind of recipe, it has a dissimilar outcome every time. Either you have dated only one person in your life or have a new date partner every month, each one is a different case. Several times, we hear people complaining that there their relationships do not work out. All of them are eager to know the reasons behind the failure/s. Not every person is likely to share their personal thoughts with others. So, whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, the Why Am I Still Single Quiz is ideal and absolutely perfect for you.

Why Am I Single Quiz

Why Am I Single

Hey listen, are you and your partner compatible or not? If you don't know then get the answer from The Compatibility Test (2022 Update).


Find Out Why You’re Still Single

Find Out Why You’re Still Single

You Don’t Want To Be In One…

Look, sometimes we don’t want to do a few things but have to thanks to societal pressures. You cannot be single because this way people around would ask a million questions. No one would understand your reasons and would push you into it. However, your heart still doesn’t desire to be shackled. As a consequence, none of your relationships work and you are still single. Probably, you are more focused on your career and other priorities.

You Don’t Want To Be In One

You Don’t Want To Be In One

You’ve Set High Bars!

It is often seen that a beautiful, handsome, successful, and accomplished human looks for a perfect partner. They have high hopes and set the bar at a point that no human can reach. Basically, those people do not need a date, instead, they look for a robot that is immaculate and has no weaknesses. This is actually quite impossible (if you realize it!). At one thing or another, you need to let go off and try to adjust and show your flexible side.

You’ve Set High Bars!

You’ve Set High Bars!

You Are Just Unlucky

Don’t be disheartened! The position of stars keeps changing and any moment in your life can be a game changer. Just keep on looking for the kind of person who understands you, your heart, and your emotions. Other than that, things would definitely work out in the future. In the past, either your date wasn’t a good match for you while at other times, the circumstances turned against you. Just don’t lose hope!

You Are Just Unlucky

You Are Just Unlucky

You Are Too Good To Be True

Man!!! Don’t be nice enough that your significant others stop giving you the importance that is necessary. On one side, people are rigid while others are a bit flexible in their personality. However, you do not fall into both of these categories as you are literally, too good to be true. You are submissive and let others take you for granted. Gradually, your date loses interest in your or becomes more dependent on you. Reason? You give them leverage in the beginning and as time passes, they regard you no more.

You Are Too Good To Be True

You Are Too Good To Be True


Prioritize Your Relationship

If you are in a relationship and really feel like your date is the one who you’ve been searching for then take action. You must give more priority to your date whether it is in any way. Spend as much time as you can and make sure you go toward interdependence. Of course, dating would alter your life positively and negatively both, but you must embrace it in every way.

Manage Your Personality Shift

Dating requires some altering shift in personality. Many people often fear this stage and this is why they back off. You shouldn’t make this same mistake. Try to embrace the alterations in your life and make sure that you do not let them take over your happiness. Small changes do not matter until they negatively affect your personality. It would be more likely if you stay calm and go with the flow in the initial stages.

Be More Social

If you cannot find the prince or princess of your dreams then try harder. How the hell can you give up? A person like you should never even think about quitting. Look around and you would definitely track the person you are waiting for. Go to more parties, be more social and attend different gatherings and events. The more you’d blend in with people, the more chances of you to find that one person.

Don’t Return To Your Toxic Partner

A toxic relationship is more like a curse; never be in one nor return to it. Some of us are so deprived of love and become so desperate that we get ready to be a part of it again. This is the biggest red flag one can have. So, keep in mind that you never ever opt for this option because you’ll regret it soon after it. A toxic relationship is named so because it is more like venom. It kills a person gradually and in a miserable way.

Never Be Dishearted!

Maybe a few (or more) relationships have been a bad experience for you. But still, there is always a bright light beyond every darkness. The past doesn’t matter if your future is worthy to be explored. So, make sure you never let go of the light of optimism. Do not shut the doors of your heart for love as anyone can knock on it without permission (wink!).


No matter why you are still single, the ultimate “Am I Undateable Quiz” would elaborate it. The quiz is to tell why are you single even now. The answer to the quiz would definitely reveal many hidden sides of your personality.

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