
Ugly Love Quiz – Which Ugly Love Character Are You?

Which Ugly Love Character Are You Quiz

Do you wish to know which Ugly Love character are you? Good, 2023 updated Ugly Love Quiz can guide you accurately and find you in this novel!


Ugly Love is an emotionally charged tale, our characters face trials, heartbreak, and life-altering choices. Love, vulnerability, healing, and the power of forgiveness take center stage. Love isn't always a walk in the park; sometimes, we must confront our deepest fears and confront past traumas to find true happiness.

"Ugly Love" promises an intense and heartfelt experience, where you'll join Tate and Miles as they navigate their complicated bond and confront their personal demons. Get ready to laugh, cry, and experience a whirlwind of emotions.

Ugly Love Quiz

Ugly Love - Colleen Hoover


The characters who play the most integral part in Ugly Love are Tate Collins and Miles Archer. Both are very different from each other yet so similar in several ways. Tate is a young and ambitious woman who sets her sights on San Francisco to pursue her nursing career. Finding no place under her budget while continuing her studies and job both, she temporarily crashes at her brother Corbin's place. Guess who's there and whom does she meet in the first place? The handsome and enigmatic Miles Archer- Corbin's best friend (Yay!). Miles and Corbin are both very successful pilots of a local airline by profession.

Sparks fly as Tate and Miles lock eyes for the first time in the apartment. But hold on to your hats because Miles drops a bombshell! He is not interested in a traditional relationship (or any other commitment to any woman). Soon, both of them couldn’t hold on to the romantic tension between them. Hence, Miles suggests a friends-with-benefits deal, where they can have a physical connection minus the emotional baggage. Intriguing, right? Tate, curious and emotional as ever, decides to take a leap and agrees to this unconventional arrangement.

The flight is scheduled for turbulence, so strap in! As Tate and Miles venture into their casual fling, it quickly becomes apparent that Miles carries heavy emotional baggage from his past. His past haunts him, acting as an emotional barrier that prevents him from loving Tate as his heart yells to him. He cares for Tate but keeps his heart locked away, denying both himself and Tate the opportunity to have their whole life together. Get ready to hop between timelines! The story weaves between the present-day ups and downs of Tate and Miles' complicated relationship and his past with Racheal. The painful events of losing loved ones have molded Miles into the complex character he is today. The heart-wrenching moments of his previous love, Rachel, and the tragic circumstances that scarred him emotionally are revealed one after another.

Meanwhile, Tate and Miles both fall deeper in love. Both wrestle with their own hearts and the agony of unrequited feelings. Determined to break down Miles' walls and heal his emotional wounds, Tate turns willing to uncover the truth about his past. Will she succeed? Can love triumph over pain? Is love really that ugly?


Which Ugly Love Character Are You

Ugly Love - Colleen Hoover

Miles Archer

You are an intriguing individual like Miles Archer with an undeniable allure. There's a certain air of mystery surrounding you. Similar to Miles, you may have a tendency to keep your emotions guarded, like a vault protecting its treasures. You are really like Miles, aren’t you?

Miles Archer has looks that could make hearts skip a beat. He's got that irresistible charm that draws people in like moths to a flame. Plus, he keeps his heart locked away from anyone who dares to get close. Throughout the story, he is on a transformative journey, ready to break free from the chains of his past. But, we must say that he has a soft heart and he can be seen doing all the good stuff for people.

Miles Archer

Miles Archer - Ugly Love

Tate Collins

Tate's world of adventure and spontaneity! She's not one to shy away from new experiences. In fact, she embraces them with open arms and a daring spirit. Our fearless Tate has her moments of doubt and heartache. She grapples with her own desires and the bittersweet pain of unrequited love.

You are a resilient and determined individual, much like Tate. Just as she pursued her career in nursing, you have a strong drive and ambition to achieve your goals. You are dedicated to your passions and work hard to make them a reality. Like Tate, you have a caring and compassionate nature. You genuinely care about the well-being of others and often find yourself going out of your way to support and help those around you.

Tate Collins

Tate Collins - Ugly Love

Unearth your novel-writing twin and uncover the author in you. Take the “Which 2023 Novel Writer Are You Quiz” and let the adventure begin!


Rachel is an absolute gem of a character! She's a true believer in the power of love and connection. In her eyes, love has the incredible ability to transform lives and heal the deepest wounds. She comes to life through powerful flashbacks and memories that leave an indelible mark on the story. These glimpses into her past unveil the complexities of her own struggles and the pain she endured.

You have a natural ability to leave a lasting impression on those around you. Rachel is depicted as a kind-hearted and compassionate individual. If you see yourself in her, it means you genuinely care about the well-being of others and often go out of your way to help and support those in need. Your empathy and compassion shine through, making you a pillar of strength and comfort for those around you.


Rachel - Ugly Love

Corbin Collins

Corbin's friendship with Miles adds an extra layer of depth to the story! He is there for his friends and sister. Plus, he’s a bit overprotective of his sister and this is sometimes obnoxious. But, we must not forget that he is accomplished, smart, and likable.

You are a supportive and reliable individual more like Corbin! Similar to him, you value your relationships and are always there for the people you care about. Your loved ones can count on you for guidance, advice, and a listening ear whenever they need it. You have a deep understanding of the importance of family and friendship, and you prioritize nurturing and maintaining those connections.

Corbin Collins

Corbin Collins - Ugly Love


The Ugly Love Personality Quiz is a journey you won't want to miss. The way to know which Ugly Love character are you most like is filled with heartwarming moments and a true testament to the power of friendship and family! So, don’t miss it.

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