
The Women Novel Quiz – Which The Women Character Are You?

Which The Women Novel Character Are You Quiz

Who are you in the novel The Women? We can claim your perfect personality match in this novel with "The Women Quiz." Figure out the details!


Kristin Hannah is one of the finest contemporary novelists and has won several awards. She also is the bestselling author of more than 20 novels including the international bestseller “The Nightingale.” Kristin is also famous for writing historical novels with profound details. She has a certain mastery of sketching the scenarios in a way that proves her presence in the situation. Her sparkling words, supreme imagery, diction, contrast, and the art of story-telling always win readers' hearts and souls. Kristin’s recent novel “The Women” is considered another masterpiece. But the question arises, what makes the novel so successful in just a few days? And, why is it suggested to be a good read everywhere?

The Women Novel Quiz

The Women - Kristin Hannah



After reading a novel, every reader with an awaking conscience may feel the feeling of pity and fear. The novel depicts the real-life event of war in Vietnam and also reflects how beautifully a lady is all set to sacrifice her life for the sake of patriotism and humanity. The feeling of catharsis seems constant during the whole read.

Women Are The Heroes

Who said women are restricted to homes only? Who believes women can’t be heroes or warriors? The novel “The Women” broke all stereotypical notions that are related to women and their stature. In this novel, the women were shown as nurses in the Vietnam War and contributing equally as warriors.

The Reflection Of the Past

Kristin has some genuine grip on historical events, she has an art to write the event as if she, herself was present there. The sense of presenting the historical event was so magnificent that the reader could also feel her presence in the event. The horrors of war, sacrifices, and killing were sketched magnificently.

Contrast Of Past And Present

You won’t forget to make a comparison of past and present while reading the novel “The Women.” The scenarios were quite relatable to the present, especially the ignorance or overlooking of women’s sacrifices in war or peace.

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An Open-Ended Book

The Women has open-ended notions especially when it reaches an end. It is shown when the protagonist reaches back to America after serving in Vietnam. The atmosphere in America became hostile to veterans, depicts the dismissive of women's contributions in the war and she struggles to assimilate.

Uplifting Woman’s Stature

Through this novel, the writer made a positive, pre-planned move to elevate the stature of women in the world. She made a deliberate effort to glorify a woman’s character and uplift her from stereotype designations.


Which The Women Character Are You

The Women - Kristin Hannah

Frances “Frankie” McGrath

Your ability to make an impression on people is what makes you unique. You leave your mark via your steadfast commitment and unreal potential; you don't just fit in with the crowd. Your commitment to excellence and diligence reveal much about your personality, making a deep impression on everyone around you. Driven by your will to create your own route and leave a lasting impression, you take advantage of every chance with energy.

You keep going in spite of the obstacles you face. You keep going even when it seems like the cards are stacked against you because of your unwavering perseverance. Others find encouragement in your determination as you demonstrate the benefits of never giving up on hardship and the strength of persistence.

Frances “Frankie” McGrath

Frances “Frankie” McGrath - The Women


You're not the kind to run from the limelight. You even go out of your way to find it, enjoying the attention and recognition that comes with being in the spotlight. Plus, you make sure others notice you, whether it's through your job, your abilities, or how you act.

You're not scared to put in the hard work to support your need for attention and recognition, though. Plus, you are aware that hard work and determination are necessary to achieve success, and that it does not come easily. Your will to succeed motivates you to pursue your objectives with unrelenting concentration and desire, and it permeates everything you do. We can see that you're essentially a charming, motivated person who is drawn to attention and respect from others.


Barb - The Women


It takes a lot of effort to gain the respect of people. You believe you have to earn respect through your deeds and accomplishments; it's not something that is just bestowed upon you. You're willing to work hard to establish your value and have an enduring determination to earn this recognition.

Well, you believe that nothing is beyond your reach. You have a firm trust and a sincere belief that you can do everything you set your mind to. And, you push yourself to the edge and take on new tasks because of your unflinching self-belief. You go to tremendous measures to ensure that you're the one everyone is talking about because it matters to you that others take notice of you.


Ethel - The Women


You have a great deal of resilience and are capable of managing difficult situations. Despite the difficulties you've faced, you have never given up. Rather, you make the most of those challenging situations to advance yourself.

People are impressed by your perseverance in the face of extreme hardship. You put up a lot of effort and never give up. You've encountered a few major challenges, but you've always managed to go over them. You've forged your own route in life and contributed something unique to the world. We can see that you are unique because you never accept inferiority. You strive to constantly be the best version of yourself. People are aware of your abilities and skill, therefore your efforts are not in vain.


Rye - The Women


Don’t you believe, that these types of reality-based, eye-opener novels are the need of time? The dark side of humanity and the bright side of humanity were presented simultaneously.  In order to learn from the past and brighten the present and future, this novel is a True Good Read. However, you really cannot enjoy the novel in full swing without The Women Novel Quiz. Figure out which The Women character are you most like with the quiz and venture into the past.

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