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The Umbrella Academy Quiz – Which The Umbrella Academy Character Are You?

Which The Umbrella Academy Character Are You Quiz

The world is totally unpredictable and you never know what happens in the other moment! Have you tried The Umbrella Academy Quiz? Who knows if you are a special born as well and are here for a greater purpose! Answer the quiz to find out which The Umbrella Academy’s amazing character are you?

The Umbrella Academy Quiz

The Umbrella Academy - Netflix


It was a normal day like all others, but on October 1, 1989, something very alarming happened! Suddenly, 43 women from different corners of the world reported severe pain which turned out to be labor pain. Although no one had the idea that they were pregnant (even the women) however, they delivered their children safely. On that very date, Reginald Hargreeves (a multi-billionaire) thinks to adopt children for a greater purpose which were Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Number Five, Ben, and Vanya.

Hargreeves is aware of what’s waiting in the future- A catastrophe that is going to engulf Earth and its beings but he won’t let this happen. Hargreeves knows well that the children he has adopted are going to do wonders in the future. So, he begins giving them training with his inventive methods and machines but he forgets one important thing while nurturing them i.e. love and affection for family. After some time, fights took over and the heroes couldn’t manage to live together and parted ways. But years after that, the death of Reginald Hargreeves unites them again. But, the time for which he trained them is here and they must become a united fist to punch the villains hard on the face! If you want to know what happened next then watch The Umbrella Academy.


Absolutely! You must answer it because it is a great show to watch while Ultimate The Umbrella Academy Trivia is going to answer “What The Umbrella Academy character are you?” with 99.99% accuracy.

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Are you curious to check who have we listed in the “4 Best Heroes In The Umbrella Academy?” Give it a go then…

Which The Umbrella Academy Character Are You

The Umbrella Academy Characters - Netflix

Number Five

Number Five is the one who has the most significant power in all. He can teleport himself and objects in space and time. However, this power of his has really caused bitterness in him as he was initially trapped for 40 years somewhere in the world. Number Five tried ceaselessly to return but couldn’t and this caused him to suffer from depression of loneliness. All in all, he has a heart that loves the family and can do everything to help all and to save them. If you think you are more like Number Five then it means you are hardcore and people believe that you have no emotions but that’s not true. You are gentle and compassionate but it’s just that the world has molded you this way. Your competence helps you to rise above all but keep in mind that pride is something that devastates relations and people.

Number Five

Number Five - The Umbrella Academy

Allison Hargreeves

Allison Hargreeves in the series is the child named Number Three. She has an extraordinary set of powers known as the Vocal Reality Manipulation. It allows its user to manipulate the mind, heart, and the whole reality with words. Hence, Allison employed it in multiple situations and saved herself and the family. She wished to make everything perfect but at times you can’t have everything you want whether it is possible or not. She loves her siblings but never shows that with her words. You on the other hand do the same thing, helping others without even letting them find out. You have a voice and personality that attracts everyone and so it is effortless for you to make others do things your way but you never do it for wrong.

Allison Hargreeves

Allison Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy

Klaus Hargreeves

Klaus Hargreeves is Number Four and guesses what is his power? He can talk to ghosts and spirits just like we do with humans. This sounds amazing and intriguing, right? But, you can’t imagine what Klaus has to go through because ghosts haunt him and always keep calling him out which has made his life miserable. The only way to control it is the use of drugs and alcohol which obviously makes everyone think that he’s not good enough to be a hero but he is! Klaus never denies help and tries to warn his siblings every time something’s about to happen. Don’t you think people misunderstand you as well? They always gather the thoughts that are the complete opposite of you. Don’t worry, no one can give you the happiness you need until you trust yourself. Don’t care what others say, just do what you like!

Klaus Hargreeves

Klaus Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy

Ben Hargreeves

Number Six is Ben Hargreeves who is dead! But, he is there with the family with the help of his brother Klaus. He can even take over bodies for a period of time (which can also be called possession) and aid his siblings in getting rid of the threats that break lose. Ben is fun to be around but is always worried about his family. He is compassionate enough to sacrifice himself for his family. You, just like him can go to every limit for your loved ones and you show like you don’t care. This isn’t good, express your true feelings to everyone!

Ben Hargreeves

Ben Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy


Hang on! You haven’t answered The Umbrella Academy Personality Quiz yet so don’t forget to click the START button below and find out Which Hero From The Umbrella Academy Are You!

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