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Is My House Haunted Quiz – Is Your House Haunted?

Is This House Haunted Quiz

Are you feeling spooked? Desperate to know “Is my house haunted?”. The 99.99% accurate Is Your House Haunted Quiz can help you!


There are a number of clues that could suggest a house is haunted. Try to look for the ones that fit well in your case. Here are some handfuls:

Is My House Haunted Quiz

Haunted House

Strange Noises

Do you hear sounds that are out of the ordinary? They can be anything like pounding, hushed voices, water spilling, or footsteps. The tough part is that if you can't place the source then your home might be haunted.

Uncalculated Temperature Alteration

Even with the heat on, cold places in your home may suggest the presence of ghosts. Yes, it’s true that the places which are possessed usually have low temperatures. Hence, you see rapid reductions in temperature there.

Flowy Movements

Have you ever sighted anyone passing by you? Is someone standing at the corner when nobody’s around? Are dark shadows moving around and giving you creepy vibes? These can be really serious. Doors and windows that open and close by themselves or objects that move on their own may be signs of paranormal activity.

Unpleasant Scents

Believe it or not, possessed places always have unpleasant smells around. Even though the house is spick and span, the disapproving smell of sulfur, rotten eggs, or burnt hair can be observed. These may be a sign of haunting!

Feeling Watched

Did you just feel someone peeking at you? No one’s around, right? If you ever feel watched, even while you are alone, it could mean that there are ghosts in your home.

Electrical Disturbances

Yeah Yeah, we know! You think electrical disturbances only happen in dramas and movies when the ghost is near. Dude, believe us but this is real. If your lights flicker or your devices turn on and off on their own, it could be a sign of a ghostly presence.


Ghosts and such entities really can connect with humans through dreams. This has been a way through which we get to know about their intentions. Having vivid dreams or spotting ghostly figures or shadows in dreams may be signs that your home is haunted.


Note The Activity/s

Keep a journal of the paranormal activity you experience, including the time, date, and location. This can help you identify patterns and provide useful information if you decide to seek professional help.

Make Sure You’re Not Fussing

Before assuming that the activity is paranormal, make sure you've ruled out natural explanations such as drafts, faulty wiring, or pests.

Seek A Paranormal Investigator

If you're experiencing unexplainable activity and are concerned about it, you may want to consider contacting a professional paranormal investigator or a medium. They can help you identify the source of the activity and provide guidance on how to deal with it.

Cleanse Your Home

You may want to try cleansing your home using various methods such as smudging with sage, burning incense, or using salt. These practices might help remove negative energy and create a more positive atmosphere in your home.

Seek Spiritual Or Religious Guidance

If you are religious, you may want to consider seeking guidance from your religious leader or spiritual advisor. They may be able to provide you with prayers or rituals that can help alleviate the activity.

Create A Positive Environment

Surround yourself with positive energy by spending time with loved ones, practicing meditation or yoga, and filling your home with

things that bring you joy. A positive environment can help reduce stress and negativity, which may help alleviate the activity. This way, even the spirits in your house feel at ease.


Is Your House Haunted Quiz

Is Your House Haunted

No, It’s All In Your Mind!

We couldn’t find anything that proves you really have any paranormal activities at your place. Probably, you are watching too many horror movies and it’s the impact of that. Relax and don’t think about ghosts and other things that are just haunting your head.

No, It’s All In Your Mind!

No, It’s All In Your Mind!

There’s Nothing Dangerous

To be honest, it’s too early to predict if there is anything at your place. You have to spend some more time because, at the moment, even you aren’t sure about what you saw and heard. Make sure you are not just assuming!

There’s Nothing Dangerous

There’s Nothing Dangerous

You Need To Keep Your Eyes Open

We can definitely feel what you are going through. Yeah, there are strong chances that there are some paranormal activities happening around. In order to prove your point, make sure you have evidence too. Ask your family members and friends to live with you for a couple of days. This way, you will be able to make your point to all!

You Need To Keep Your Eyes Open

You Need To Keep Your Eyes Open

Yeah, Your Place Is Haunted!

For sure your place is haunted and you need help. Try seeking help from a professional because that is the only way you can live in peace. Ghosts, spirits, demons, etc are not something that should be fought with. Find the right person to help you in these situations.

Yeah, Your Place Is Haunted!

Yeah, Your Place Is Haunted!

BTW, how well do you know the world of horror movies? Would you prefer a challenge like the Ultimate Horror Movie Trivia?


The Free Haunted House Quiz is the one that can help you with initial findings and experiences. With the quiz, you can tell if this house of yours is haunted or not. Hurry up before you find yourself stuck like the families shown in movies and series.

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