Netflix Quizzes

Devil In Ohio Quiz – Which Devil In Ohio Character Are You?

Which Devil In Ohio Character Are You Quiz

You are curious to find out which Devil In Ohio character are you, right? Click START to enter the viral going Devil in Ohio Quiz. It's worth the hype!


Devil in Ohio is a true story to much extent. We aren’t saying that everything showcased in it is true but the incidents are all true. The writer of the book, Daria Polatin confirmed earlier that her book is gravely true. However, she has sparked it with spices like extreme horror, chaos, and darkness. This is why Devil In Ohio turned out to be a watch that kept millions awake at night. When you can reach the culmination in a few hours as there are only eight episodes, so why leave for another day? Watch all the episodes of Devil in Ohio in one go with some noodles and popcorn.

Devil In Ohio Quiz

Devil In Ohio - Netflix


The plot of Devil In Ohio lets us have a peek into a dark cult that still lives among us. That cult is planning something that might lead many souls to distress. While not much is shown, a girl is found running and reaches Ohio Hospital. The teen girl (probably 14-15 years old) is Mae and she is not ready to unveil anything about her past. Somewhere in her mind, Mae is thinking about her parents Malachi and Abigail who live in a community in Amontown. She seems to be in trauma and so psychiatrist Dr. Suzanne Mathis comes to check on her. Suzanne as a doctor and as a woman senses that something is devastatingly wrong with Mae.

In her analysis, Suzanne pleads to send Mae to either a foster home or in the custody of a governmental institution. Living in Ohio, there aren’t many options and Mae has no place to go. Sympathizing the girl in whom Suzanne sees a reflection past, she agrees to take Mae to her home until the foster care isn’t ready to do so. At Mathis' house, Peter and their daughters Helen, Jules, and Dani are not ready to accept the fact that they are having a new family member even on a temporary basis. This causes some tension in the family while Mae is completely feeling at home. She and Jules are pretty much of the same age so whatever Jules does, fascinates Mae. Her bed, boyfriend, family, etc are all attracting Mae, not in a negative way though.

Peter, is a man who is pretty opposite to Suzanne. He doesn’t make decisions sanely and is always looking for shortcuts. He has invested all his money and the college funds of his daughters in a business. Guess what? Peter faces a betrayal by his partner and loses everything. On the other hand, a new man is in town who is none other than Detective Lopez. He is here to handle the case of Mae and to help her live a normal life. But, there are so many obstructions in the way. The sheriff of Amontown is unnecessarily protective of the clan that is notorious for its satanic activities. In further scenes, we get to see a special mark on the back of Mae which is actually a bloody pentagram sign. Nobody is noticing but, but some white vans are after the Mathis family and keeping an eye on everything they do. The plot holds many twists that you can unfold by watching it.


We know you are desperate for the Devil In Ohio Quiz but wait a minute! Scroll down to find out the best characters in Devil In Ohio. In case you turn out to be one of them, then at least you’ll know!

Which Devil In Ohio Character Are You

Devil In Ohio Characters - Netflix

Dr. Suzanne Mathis

Dr. Mathis is a sweet lady and she sympathizes with all that are in need of support. Probably this is the reason why she became a psychiatrist. Not every doctor can help every patient as they need to specialize in a particular field. However, as a psychiatrist, Suzanne can help all patients by looking into their minds and heart. The same happens when she sees Mae. The fear in the girl’s eyes breaks Suzanne’s heart. She needs someone to protect her and no one could do it better than Suzanne.

You are also the one who always looks out for humanity. In order to care for others, you don’t need a relationship or reason. You have a heart of gold like Suzanne.

Dr. Suzanne Mathis

Dr. Suzanne Mathis - Devil In Ohio


Mae is a girl who has witnessed the most horrible things in the world at a such young age. She wants to be set free from the shackles that this sign on her back has bounded her with. As soon as she sights the life of Jules, Dani, and Helen the girl in her feels a spectacular rush of joy! You also are eager for freedom and your hunger for exploration is truly unending!


Mae - Devil In Ohio

Jules Mathis

No more thinking about “What Devil in Ohio character are you?” because you resemble Jules. You are friendly, jolly, and carefree like the girl. Jules is somewhat like you; a little moody and throws tantrums at times. She didn’t like the presence of Mae but soon they became best friends and enjoyed each other company.

Jules Mathis

Jules Mathis - Devil In Ohio

Detective Lopez

Detective Lopez is ready to do the tough and daring job of finding out what the dark cult is after. He has some clues about its leader Malachai but Lopez is sick of dead ends. He can’t get enough of what he needs in order to prove that the cult isn’t innocent. Anyhow, Lopez works selflessly and is eager to bring the truth out of the mouths. You are also a stubborn person and once you decide then you don’t turn back!

Detective Lopez

Detective Lopez - Devil In Ohio

Are you a fan of The Sinner? Search which The Sinner character are you with The Sinner Personality Quiz. It's quite fun!


If you are feared then shake it off! Don’t let it stop you from attempting the Devil In Ohio Test. It’s your chance to prove which side are you on by figuring out which Devil in Ohio character are you most like.

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