
Are you a Loud or a Quiet Person Quiz

Quiet vs Loud Quiz: How loud are you?

Nowadays, society has different standards and people are placed into various categories like rich and poor, hardworking and sloth, successful and failure, and blah blah blah. Let’s not discuss all these today as there is something more important, the point of “loud vs quiet”! Well, today what has become more common is the fact that people are either introverts or extroverts…

Introverts are the ones who remain quiet and are tagged as good listeners and secret keepers; however, the people who are loud and talkative are considered extroverts because they share everything that is in their minds, are easy to talk with, and usually spill the beans (pathetic secret keepers!). This is the reason why today we have designed the Am I Loud Or Quiet Quiz especially for YOU!!!

We know that you are eager to assess am I speaking too loud? Or am I speaking too quietly? There is only one way to find out, the Are You A Loud Or A Quiet Person Quiz.

Am I Quiet Or Am I Loud?

Of course, the How Loud Am I Quiz would generate a 100% honest result but before you START it, you must know about the traits of loud and quiet people and for that, you would have to read about them below…


Are you a Quiet Person Quiz

Assess yourself and think whether you have these signs prior to taking the Am I Quiet Quiz.

Prefer To Stay Alone

Yes, quiet people do choose and enjoy staying alone because too much noise or conversation irritates them. Whether they are a part of the parties, dinners, or informal get-togethers, usually the quiet people stay apart from gossips and talkative groups.

On the other hand, silent people are more into thinking than talking and so they are obsessed with books, cooking, cleaning, and such things that are done without much chatter.

All-time Thinkers

Tight-lipped people are thinkers! While others talk to them, they listen to it and dive into deep thoughts. One of the reasons might be that they are observant of their surroundings and so keep all the things in mind and ponder over them.

Most importantly, quiet people think before acting and so they might take time to make a decision but definitely learn from not only their mistakes but from others as well.

Are Introverts

Hmm, it’s true that untalkative people are usually considered introverts. Well, we feel that it’s not necessary that every quiet person must be an introvert. (You can also try to understand if you are an introvert by taking this Introvert vs Extrovert Quiz) The major trait of introverts is that they hardly ever speak what’s in their mind, but quiet people do share things and speak when they wish to. Moreover, introverts keep a similar attitude with friends and foes while quiet people aren’t that silent among their friends and other favorites.

Have Curious Minds

Quiet people have a curious nature and love to explore. They like to delve into things, minds, and places that are known by none. Since they are observing and do not speak much, so they are curious about everything! For instance, they wish what a person is thinking, how he does things, how things would end, etc.

Nature Lovers

These people are mostly nature lovers because mother nature is also quiet and peaceful like them. You also would find this type of person soundly sitting under a tree and reading a book or listening to some music. They enjoy peace and serenity rather than rock concerts and other such social events. If we take this in the other way, then you would observe that introverts and other quiet souls aren’t given much importance so they prefer greenery more than humans. You can also have a look at Wikihow to become a quieter person.


Are you a Loud Person Quiz

Only about 35-40% of humans in this world are introverts, or in other words, we might say are quiet people. Consequently, the left out population is loud and talkative so in this case, you must answer the Am I Loud Quiz to check out in which category do you fall???

Always Spills The Beans

Yeah, loud (commonly known as talkative!) people are the worst secret keepers because they always tell everything to everyone without thinking much. The reason behind this is that they usually talk a lot and to talk that much, they need topics and so, they end up spilling the secrets.

Social Animals

You read it right! Loud people are social animals because they love to talk and they initiate conversations with anyone and anytime. They always have friends around them whether it is a shopkeeper, a bus driver, the elevator guy, etc. Even on social media, they share unlimited stories and make friends within seconds just by chatting randomly. It’s true that people enjoy talking to such individuals and so the relationship of friendship is extended easily with the person of every age.

Some People Avoid You

Everything has some side effects and one of them for loud people is that some people literally run away from them maybe because they are introverts and avoid many conversations. Hahaha, you might be infuriated but this is the truth! Not every person on this planet enjoys the company of a loud person. This sign fits well more on talkative people rather than louder ones.

Never Alone

Quite true! Loud people are hardly ever alone; firstly, because they can talk to any strange person like he or she has known them for years, and secondly because loud people are a little weird and if they do not find any human then they even talk to animals like pets or even stray ones.

Enjoy Freedom

Loud people are hard to suppress and so enjoy freedom. Either it’s their workplace, friends, or home, nobody has the power to lower their voice or make them do something they do not wish!


You’re dying to find out how quiet am I? Who’s stopping you from answering the Are You A Loud Or A Quiet Person Quiz???

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