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Top Boy Quiz – Which Top Boy Character Are You?

What TopBoy Character Are You Quiz

At times, fate brings you to such a point where a person has two grave paths. Either you take the path of righteousness which apparently has fewer chances of survival and is arduous to walk on. On the other hand, you have the road to the devil’s corner. It is obvious that when you pick the wrong way that there would be a dead-end (no matter when it comes) but most people tend to walk on it. By the lines above, aren’t you thinking about the Netflix series “Top Boy?” Indeed, it also contains similar circumstances for most of its characters. If you have watched it then you would have definitely felt the urge to step into the series and warn the characters about what was reaching ahead. Aren’t we all too dramatic! (Hahaha) But how would you become a part of Top Boy until you know which Top Boy character are you? Oh, why don’t you answer the Top Boy Quiz for tracking it!


Hmm, good that you have asked this question! Remember, if you are a true fan of any series, movie, or anime then you are always eager to become a part of it. Well, the chances of signing in you as a cast are rear but our Top Boy Test can really dig hard into your personality so that you know which character fits you best in the Top Boy series.

Top Boy Quiz

Top Boy - Netflix


In the country where royals live, not everyone spends a happy and contented life! There are many problems that come out of nowhere but you can’t hide from them. In the plot of Top Boy, Dushane and Sully are two friends who are tangled in the business of drugs. Obviously, everyone wishes to have money but it depends on how you intend to earn it. As we all are aware, the drug business isn’t something that can assure you wealth and security. It always keeps you on the brink of death.

Dushane and Sully are though eager to be rich but forget the extreme rivalries between the drug-dealing gangs. The two join hands with a criminal don named Bobby Raikes. Dushane and Sully wanted him to be by his side as he is definitely the name of terror. However, his violence and criminal activities soon scare the hell out of both. To make things worse, the rival group leader Kamale steals the whole consignment of drugs from them. This initiates bloodshed and a war-like situation. Among all this terror and killings more boys like Ra'Nell are willing to ruin their lives with Dushane and Sully (to have money for their families). How do you think would all this end? What would you have done if you’d have been a part of Top Boy? If you don’t know then the Top Boy Trivia would ascertain for you.


Let’s find out which are the most famous characters in Top Boy so that you know your character thoroughly.

Which Top Boy Character Are You?

Top Boy - Netflix

Dushane Hill

Dushane is one of the main characters in the series. He is the gang leader and runs the drug business. It wasn’t easy for him to fathom the conditions he was living in. The spark of dominance and the eagerness to rule every person made him enter the dark world. No doubt that many people are against this protagonist because of the mass murders of people like Haze, Lee Greene, Bobby Raikes, Lester, and others. Regardless of what the reasons were but killing someone cannot be justified.

However, Dushane is quite intelligent and tackles dirty situations well. Handling multiple drug orders throughout insane circumstances were made worse by the cops and his rivals but his trust over his loyal friends made things a little easy.

Jaime Tovell

Jamie is one of the characters on whom you feel pity and anger at the same time. Fate pushed this young teen towards the dangerous business of drug dealing while his endless desire for money made him step into the puddle of rivalry with the Summerhouse gang. Though he wanted money but ended up left with nothing except remorse.

The war between Jamie and Dushane’s gang is highlighted the most throughout the seasons. His ambition to become the drug-dealing king of London was crushed by many people. But, how can we forget the innocent boy who started all this for a better future for his younger siblings!

Gerard John Sullivan

Sullivan is better known as Sully and plays a major role in the series. He is mostly seen by Dushane’s side and the two even started the gang together. Sully and Dushane have been together since childhood and know everything about each other. But after stepping into the business of illegal drugs it was felt quite often that the two have no coordination. It is a fact that Sully is more dominant and an adrenaline rush can make him do all sorts of wrong actions.

We can even perceive the element of jealousy and greed in Sully. He wishes to have everything in the world and can go to every extent in order to achieve it. This gang war caused serious damage to his personal and professional life and most of the decisions he made turned out to be destructive for him.

Dris Walsh

You can say that Dris is important for the story because Dushane trusts him the most. When he couldn’t look after the Summerhouse gang then Dris was in charge. He has made many dreadful encounters for rising the gang’s integrity. Don’t forget his cute little angel who was Dris’ motivation and reason for life.

Parting from his girlfriend, the responsibility of Erin, rivalry with other gangs, and all other problems always engulfed Dris and he never found peace. However, we can claim one thing about Dris, he was never worthy of such dreadful life but his karma never stopped following him.

If you like crime series, another good one is here: The Money Heist Quiz.


Hop into the Top Boy Personality Test and find out what Top Boy character are you in the series. It won’t be easy to deal with the cops, rival gangs, and other issues. Let’s see if you can rule London!

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