Cartoons and Anime

Regular Show Character Quiz – Which Character Are You?

Which Regular Show Character Are You Quiz

You can’t miss an exciting chance like the “Regular Show Character Quiz.” All fans want to know which regular show character are you.


Skips' Story (S5)

The fans were tearfully moved by this episode. Skips always had this air of mystery about him while being unbreakable. He had a troubled past with other invincible people and knew a few magical things. As though delving deeply into Skips' past, this episode reveals the love he lost and the origins of his impenetrable abilities. The fact that Skips meets several characters who go on to play important roles in the show is cool.  Therefore, while this episode does provide us with some clarification, it also increases the level of mystery. The emotions and surprises are like a rollercoaster!

Regular Show Character Quiz

Regular Show - Cartoon Network

Death Sandwich (S4)

When Benson becomes ill after consuming a sandwich from a Death Kwon Do restaurant that was really deadly, things get very complicated in this episode. And what's this? He got into this mess because of Mordecai and Rigby. Within the next six hours, they must find a treatment for him, or things will get much worse. They do, however, receive some assistance from the Death Kwon Do sensei, an old buddy. Benson not pleased with Rigby and Mordecai, is eager to exact revenge because the sandwich made a lot of difficulty.

This sandwich appears innocent at first appearance, but there's a catch: it's a death sandwich. Yes, eat it incorrectly, and the game is finished. With some intense martial arts action thrown in for added excitement, it's a race against the clock!

A Regular Epic Final Battle/The Power (S8)

The fate of the universe is in danger. Pops and Anti-Pops gather their buddies for a huge confrontation, but they are once again tied. Rigby and Mordecai are caught in the midst, attempting to make sense of everything. Even though they return to the beginning of it all, they realize they must assist Pops in Regular Show.

Pops understands that in order to preserve the cosmos, he needs to speak with Anti-Pops. Pops makes an incredibly daring decision to give his life to make sure everything is fine. The entire group returns home to be with their family and friends and begin new, happier chapters in their lives. Jump ahead for 25 years, and everyone's back together. Mordecai and Rigby take a moment to think about what Pops did and all the adventures they've had.


Which Character Are You

Regular Show Characters - Cartoon Network


Mordecai's the definition of cool and collected. Stressful situations? Nah, they don't faze you much just like they don’t Mordecai. You're all about keeping that Zen vibe (cool dude!). You love hanging out with friends and you're super loyal to your crew. Friends are the bees to your honey. Mordecai might seem laid-back, but he's got a responsible side too. Just like him, you take your work and responsibilities seriously. People can count on you to get stuff done.

If you like him too then you've got a creative mind and can think your way out of a tight spot. Mordecai's all about treating folks with respect and kindness. That's totally your style too. You spread good vibes wherever you go.


Mordecai - Regular Show


You're the type of person who takes their jobs and other commitments seriously. You are dependable, so others can rely on you.  Hence, you are careful about keeping everything organized. You dislike messy situations, and if something is out of order, you aren't scared to speak up. Just like Benson, you have high standards. Everyone is expected to put up their best effort, and you want everything done flawlessly.

To be honest, Benson is vulnerable to frustration, and you might be as well. You become a little irritated when things don't go as expected or when people aren't doing their part. Plus, you have a genuine concern for the individuals you are in charge of. You care about their wellbeing and desire what's best for them.


Benson - Regular Show


You enjoy laughing and joking with your buddies, just like Rigby does. Surprisingly, you don't feel the effects of stress like most people do. You're the kind of person who is easygoing and just goes with the flow. Yes, you tend to put things off till the very last minute, just like Rigby. Well, you can take procrastination as an old friend and you appreciate your friends in the same way that Rigby does. Any day, you'd go above and beyond for your friends.

Sarcasm? That's your code, we see. You have a gift for saying witty one-liners and biting remarks. Oh, and both you and Rigby enjoy a nice nap. Sometimes, taking a break from work feels much better.


Rigby - Regular Show

Take this Gumball Quiz to find out what Gumball character are you now.

Hi Five Ghost

Being calm and comfortable is very important to Hi Five Ghost, just like it is to you. You like things to be calm and laid-back. Just like Hi Five Ghost, you're an excellent friend. When your friends need it, you're there to lend a hand and support them. You don't hide your feelings despite appearing calm on the surface. When it matters, you can express your emotions because you are aware of them.

As a dependable teammate, you share Hi Five Ghost's traits. Working in groups and collaborating with others are things you appreciate. You like the small joys of life, more like Hi Five Ghost. Your day can be improved with a hearty laugh, some peace, or a kind act. You're prepared to speak up and lend a helping hand.

Hi Five Ghost

Hi Five Ghost - Regular Show


Like all the characters of Regular Show, you have all the right to have some crazy fun. This is why we urge you to check out which Regular Show character are you most like. The only accurate way to get this task done is the Regular Show Character Quiz.

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