
Political Typology Quiz – What Is Your Political Typology?

What Is Your Political Typology Quiz

We are all set to help you in revealing what is your political typology. Are you ready? Roll into the Political Typology Quiz to see your political stance!


Political Typology Quiz

Political Typology

Core Conservatives

They hold conservative views on a wide range of issues, covering economics, social values, and the role of government. They strongly believe in free markets and limited government intervention in the economy. Lower taxes and reduced government spending are among their priorities. Socially, they are more conservative, often expressing opposition to abortion rights and same-sex marriage, while valuing traditional family structures.

Core Conservatives

Core Conservatives

You Are A Core Conservative!

Your cultural and social values are deeply rooted in tradition and preserving what you perceive as essential elements of society. When it comes to the role of government, you lean towards a smaller government with limited involvement in social and economic affairs. You believe that individuals and private businesses can make better decisions for themselves and their communities, rather than relying on extensive government regulations and control.

Country First Conservatives

This group prioritizes the interests of your country over global engagement. They tend to be more nativist and protectionist in their views. Like Core Conservatives, they also support free markets and limited government intervention, but they may be more willing to back protectionist trade policies.

Country First Conservatives

Country First Conservatives

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You Are A Country First Conservative!

Your political identity as a Country First Conservative reflects a strong sense of patriotism and a desire to protect your country’s interests in an interconnected world. You feel that prioritizing the nation's well-being is crucial to maintaining its strength and prosperity. You remain steadfast in your commitment to putting your country first. Engaging in respectful discussions with others who hold different views can help you better understand the complexities of the global landscape and build a more comprehensive understanding of how to serve the nation's best interests.

Market Skeptic Republicans

They hold conservative economic views but are less traditional on social issues. Interestingly, they are skeptical of the free market. On social matters, they lean more towards the moderate or liberal side, supporting causes like same-sex marriage and being open to social change.

Market Skeptic Republicans

Market Skeptic Republicans

You Are A Market-Skeptic Republican!

Your political identity as a Market Skeptic Republican reflects a balanced approach to governance. You value the potential of free markets while acknowledging the need for some government oversight to address societal challenges. Your belief in individual liberty extends to personal and social matters, where you see the importance of allowing people to make their own choices.

New Era Enterprisers

This group has a positive outlook on both business and government. They support free markets and entrepreneurship, but they are also open to government involvement in social and economic matters. Finding a balance between free markets and government action is key to their perspective.

New Era Enterprisers

New Era Enterprisers

You Are A New Era Enterpriser!

You strongly support free markets and entrepreneurship, recognizing the power of innovation and private enterprise in driving economic growth and prosperity. We can you believe in the importance of fostering a business-friendly environment that encourages innovation, competition, and job creation. On social issues, you adopt a more moderate stance. You are willing to explore progressive ideas.

Devout and Diverse

This diverse group is composed predominantly of non-white and religiously diverse individuals. They tend to hold more liberal views on social issues, including support for immigration and social safety nets. They see a role for the government in addressing inequality and promoting social justice.

Devout and Diverse

Devout and Diverse

You Are Devout and Diverse!

You believe in the importance of addressing economic inequality and creating a fairer society where everyone has access to opportunities for prosperity. You hold more liberal views, supporting causes like immigration and social safety nets. Your experiences and background play a significant role in shaping your empathetic and inclusive outlook on societal challenges. Your perspectives can help bridge the gaps between different communities and promote a more inclusive society.

Disaffected Democrats

They lean towards the Democratic side but are generally dissatisfied with both parties. They hold more negative views of the government's performance. On social issues, they tend to have liberal views, supporting causes like same-sex marriage and other progressive ideas.

Disaffected Democrats

Disaffected Democrats

You Are A Disaffected Democrat!

Your political leanings may be towards the Democratic side, but you feel dissatisfied with both major parties. You see the flaws and shortcomings in the current political system. As a Disaffected Democrat, you play a crucial role in pushing for positive reform and advancing the values you hold dear. Your willingness to challenge the status quo and express dissatisfaction with the government's performance contributes to the continuous evolution of our democracy.

Solid Liberals

This group is a stronghold of liberalism across various issues and represents a significant portion of the Democratic Party's base. They believe in a larger government that provides a wide range of social services and addresses income inequality. On social matters, they are highly progressive, advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, women's rights, and racial justice.

Solid Liberals

Solid Liberals

You Are A Solid Liberal!

You believe in the power of a larger government that provides a wide range of social services and addresses income inequality. Your unwavering support for these issues demonstrates your dedication to creating a more inclusive and equitable society. Your political identity as a Solid Liberal reflects a deep-rooted belief in the power of government as a force for positive change. Plus, your support for increased taxation on the wealthy shows your commitment to reducing income disparities and creating a fairer distribution of resources.


Find where you stand in the political area! Come on, the Political Typology Quiz is for you because there is nothing better for sorting you. Remember, it is going to be something that is super exciting and engaging.

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