
Pet Quiz: What Pet Should I Get?

What Type of Pet Should You Get? Dog, Cat, Fish, Bird or Hamster…

Did you know almost 57% people have pets in this world? The researches reveal that people who own a pet indicate good health than the people who avoid getting pets. It does not matter where you live? Or how big place you own? There are many animals that can be made pets even if you live a single room. Since you are thinking of owning a pet, but can’t decide which one. You don’t have to think much; just give your answers to Pet Quiz to find out "What pet should you get?" and recognize the pet suitable for you.


What Pet Should I Get Quiz

There are many animals that you can keep as pets. The most significant thing is that you must have knowledge about the pet that you want because you are going to spend your life together. Don’t panic! Here is some information about pet animals that would help you out.

Pet Dogs

Dogs are loved by all, as are loyal and men’s best friend. Doctors believe that dog owners are healthier than others because dogs keep the owners active through walks and play. They maintain normal blood pressure and don’t have problems like anxiety and depression. In 2020, the most high ranked dog breed is Labrador Retriever, because of their friendly nature and are best if you are keeping them for security. Pet dog quiz includes all breeds like German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Beagle, Yorkshire Terrier and more.

Pet Cats

Cats are one of the cutest beings on earth which is why many people prefer cats as their pet. Cats are easy pets; want to know why? Cats are more affordable than dogs. Their adoption fee, food, and medical are cheaper than dogs. Moreover, they don’t require much space, and happily stay indoors. Most importantly, cats are quiet animals and hardly ever make noise. Cats are best for lazy owners because they like to cuddle in beds rather than going out. Some famous cat breeds in this Pet Quiz are Siamese, Persian, Ragdoll, and some others.

Pet Fishes

Fishes are interesting pets, as they add beauty and vibrancy to place. If you are allergic to animals than fish is an appropriate choice. Fishes are the most economical pet and researches have proved than watching fishes releases tension. Most of all, you don’t have clean their mess! You can get lovely fishes like Goldfish, Angelfish, Guppies, and Mollies.

Pet Birds

Did you know some birds can live for 50 years? Famous pet birds include Parakeets, Cockatiels, Finches, Doves, and Gray Parrots. Birds are entertaining pets and easy to train. You don’t have to maintain your house much for them, and they are easy to handle. Their sweet voice and attractive colours give aesthetic pleasure to the setting. You can also check if you are a bird according to Chinese Zodiac Signs.

Pet Hamsters / Guinea Pigs

Pet Hamster Quiz

You might figure out what pet you want but if you have kids or young siblings than they would definitely ask you for a pet hamster or a guinea pig. They are unchallenging, as they stay in cages and you just need to feed them and put water bottle. You just need to tame them a little and then let your kids hold them. Take this Pet Hamster quiz to find out if you really want hamster or other pets would fit you better.


Before getting a pet, you can also check PETA if you interested saving animal rights. Pets always play the role of best friends; you can tell them all the things that you can’t share with anyone else, and they never let you feel lonely. You know the Pet Quiz made me realize that fish is a perfect pet for me. Hurry and identify yours!

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