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How Angry Am I Quiz: Do I Have a Bad Temper?

Are You a Toxic Person? – Bad Personality Quiz

Do you think that sometimes you just over reacted or your response was much harder than normal? Or you feel sad for no reason at all? Did you ever cry out loud because you thought you were mean? Sometimes, you do not achieve what you expect and as a result you got angry and people even call you toxic. Well, if you need to know what level is your temper; answer these 20 simple questions of How angry am I quiz to know more about the other side of yourself.

Do I Have a Bad (Short) Temper?

How Angry Am I Quiz

In the following categories, we have written some traits and actions on the basis of which you would be able to identify how angry are you or how much toxic person you are.

Normal Temper

There are times when you don’t feel fit in the surroundings. The students and/or mates trouble and bully you for no reason and you take revenge even when you get the slightest chance. Like, spilling glue on their chair, or hide their things; you believe that you have become a temper at such young age, but not to the extent they have been then to you. You may call yourself a normal tempered person. We believe you are only toxic in the limits and you are doing fine with your anger management.

Wild Temper - Low Toxic Person

Sometimes you feel depressed by watching others and compare yourself to them. You try to look cool and seek attention of others; some give it to you while others don’t. If you aren’t able to get the attentiveness you expected then you behave like a temper. You act bossy, speak loud-  at times scream as well, drink excessively, break things, and etc. If you have been like this, then you may believe that you are the wild temper and reach the meter to 60%. Do you think that you have a bad temper?

Insane Temper - High Toxic Person

Including these, there are other types as well, like insane tempers. These act a little off the border, as they cry when feel confused instead of finding a solution, or they start eating excessively when are dumped by someone. People belonging to this type are unable to handle relationships and act childishly. They start to feel more and more depressed and drink to forget their mistakes instead of making them right. We think people of this type must be rated 50% in our toxicity and b*tch-meter. Welcome to the toxic person club, your friends kinda hates you.

Self-Centered Temper - Toxic Master

At times you meet some self-centered personalities as well. Humans belonging to this category are actually merciless as they hurt others for their pleasure. They do not care what others feel and think; they just give importance to themselves. One of this kind might take expensive gifts and after emptying the pockets they actually dump. They insult others for no reason and may even hurt physically at times, so we believe they are 90% b*tchy. You might be short tempered person.

Decent temper

Well, if you have never done anything mentioned above, than you may come under the category of decent temper and they break the meter at 30% . tempers of this type respect others, take care of all, anticipate the things done, but they only do this to show the world, and from the inside they actually do not like doing all this and feel sick to their core, so are come under the category of decent tempered persons.

Overall; maybe you are just having a hard time. Take this Am I depressed quiz to figure it out!

Am I Toxic Person Quiz

We believe there are many kinds of personality in this world, but the above categories describe almost all sort of toxic personalities. If you are eager to know in which category do you fit, then take this Am I Angry quiz to find out about your toxicity and temper level.

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