Mental and Health

Am I Depressed Quiz – How to Know If You Are in Depression

Are You Sad or Depressed? & Depression Quiz

Before taking the depression quiz; if you think you are really depressed, you should seek a professional help. But if you are unsure whether you are depressed or just a normal down feeling, this depression test will answer the question: How Depressed Are You?

What is Depression? Why Am I Depressed?

Am I Depressed Quiz

Several factors make us feel down. Any difficulties we are facing in our work or relationships make us sad and depressed. We often mix up the feelings of low mood with depression and anxiety. Depression does not mean feeling unhappy or miserable. Depression is a mental condition when the sufferer thinks that he/ she may never feel happy again.

Is your sad feeling has started to disturb your daily routine? Do you think it is stopping you from things you were usually habitual of? Are you losing your motivation to live? These are signs that you may have become a victim of clinical depression. We have assembled some deep and well-research questions in “Am I Depressed Quiz” to help you analyze your mental state.

Symptoms of Depression - How to Know If I am Depressed

The primary symptom of depression is a continuous sad feeling that does not go away on its own. Such persistent feeling starts to impact your health and daily routine negatively.

If you have an episode of depression, you will stop taking an interest in all activities of your life, be it your work or hobby. Further, you start to lose concentration while you are doing a job. When you think of completing a task, you feel energy drained for no apparent reason. This stops you from continuing the work you wanted to achieve.

Clinical depression will also deprive you of sleep. Or you may find yourself sleeping excessively. Similarly, you may lose interest in eating even if your favorite food is in front of you. Or you may eat everything that you come across without giving a second thought.

But the dangerous part is when you start feeling that you are worthless. You think that the only solution to end your problems is taking your own life. In this case, you have to contact your GP immediately.

Help for Depression

People suffering from depression face a series of physical and psychological symptoms. If you are experiencing depression and not getting better with time, you should seek help immediately. There are several ways to treat depression and anxiety depending upon the diagnosis and the method preferred by your psychotherapist.

It may include cognitive behavior therapy, counseling, and medication. The medications are antidepressants that release more serotonin in the bloodstream to improve your mood.

Most of the patients are not ready to accept that depression exists or they are suffering from depression. Further, they feel that the treatment method is not going to help them. It is essential to adapt to the best treatment therapy to prevent self-harm.

Who Can Take This Depression Quiz?

This depression and anxiety test would help for teens to adults. People who feel that they are getting symptoms of clinical depression can check their mental health level through this test. If you are worried that yourself or your loved one is suffering from a down mood or a depression, you can make them take this depression test to convince them that they should seek professional help or not.

The test is based on 15 simple questions that do not require you to enter any personal information. The answers will let us judge whether or not your symptoms are indicative of symptoms. This test is designed for a general idea, not for an accurate diagnosis. If you score high on the test or feel that your symptoms are consistent with depression, you should seek proper advice and an accurate diagnosis.

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