Mental and Health

Color Blindness Test – Are You Color Blind?

Color Blind Test

If you have doubts about your vision then you better test your color visibility. Take the trusted Color Blindness Test to check your suspicions.


The sole purpose of our Test for color blindness is to aid you with your problem. If you are thinking that your eyes have a certain issue which might be color blindness then you are at the right place. Within a few questions, you can recognize your problem. Basically, the Color Blindness Quiz would show you some pictures and you would have to confirm what is written in them. If you manage to answer all the questions correctly then there is nothing to worry about at all.

Color Blindness Test

Color Blindness


Color blindness occurs when a person cannot sight and distinguish between one or more colors. This may be hereditary or due to some external reasons like an injury. At times, blood pressure and diabetes might be a cause too. There are different types of color blindness (mentioned below) that vary in conditions and effects. There is no permanent treatment of any but life can be made facile with some help.


Are You Color Blind

Are You Color Blind

Red-Green Color Blindness

Red-green color blindness is also known as “Deuteranopia”. It is hard to trace this deficiency until one is tested. Humans are born with deuteranopia and this is the reason why they cannot make difference between some specific colors. It is particularly arduous to distinguish red, green, and some shades of yellow. There are different shades of red and green that blend together to make several other colors. People with deuteranopia usually confuse the following colors:

  • Mid-reds with mid-greens
  • Blue-greens with grey and mid-pinks
  • Bright greens with yellows
  • Pale pinks with light grey/white
  • Mid-reds with mid-brown
  • Light blues with lilac

Causes And Treatment

Usually, red-green color blindness is a cause of genetic deficiency in the L, M, and S cones of the eyes. However, it can be a result of retinal diseases, a side effect of any drug, blood pressure issues, aging, etc. Unfortunately, there is no such medicine or treatment that can heal deuteranopia. However, some color-corrective contact lenses can be of great help.

Blue-Yellow Color Blindness

You might be thinking that Blue-Yellow Color Blindness or “Tritanopia” is something that makes you unable to distinguish between blue and yellow colors. Well, that’s actually not really the case. People suffering from it can sight blue and yellow but get confused between the colors that are a blend of them. For instance, green–blue, yellow–pink, and purple–red are troubling for them to see. Not only this but differentiating between sharpness and dullness is also a problem. Thankfully, clarity and brightness aren’t a problem.

Causes And Treatment

In most cases, tritanopia is acquired by genetics and is something a baby is born with. On the contrary, traumatic brain injuries, diabetes, excessive alcoholism, and aging are counted as causes too. The good news is that tinted eyeglasses can be helpful for people suffering from Blue-Yellow Color Blindness. Life doesn’t get much affected by it while the eye wears an appropriate solution to it.

Complete Color Blindness

Complete Color Blindness is medically known as “Achromatopsia”. For people who suffer from Achromatopsia can only perceive the world in three colors which are grey, black, and white. It is more like returning to that black and white television. They cannot look into the light and are sensitive to brightness. It is obviously arduous to manage a normal life with complete color blindness.

Causes And Treatment

Genes and gene mutations are majorly responsible for Complete Color Blindness. Special glasses and contact lenses are one of the problem solvers of achromatopsia. However, there is no treatment that can cure it completely.

You Are Completely Fine!

You are just hallucinating because your eyes are perfectly fine. Nothing is there to be worried about. Just have fun and admire the beauty around you as it is one of the greatest blessings of life.

Hey, are you under the Mandela Effect? Ask the accurate Mandela Effect Quiz if you aren't sure. Things are going to be pretty interesting!


Our online color blind test can help you in determining your color blindness issues. Grab a note and begin the “Testing For Color Blindness” without any fee or account activation.

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