Harry Potter

Harry Potter Patronus Quiz: What is Your Patronus Animal?

Accurate Patronus and Animagus Finder

All-time popular Harry Potter Series has lots of magical elements whether the magical spells, animals, wands, brooms and others. But our favorite is the Patronus Charm! Have you ever thought, What would be your patronus? or Which Harry Potter patronus are you? Wait a minute! Maybe you even have no idea about Patronus Charms! Don’t stress out, you can know the fine details about Patronus and animagus in a matter of minutes after taking this Harry Potter Patronus Quiz.

Patronus is a complex magic which means ‘Spirit Guardian’. It is an extremely arduous spell and not everyone can use it. Patronus Charm is used for protection against Dementors and Lethifolds because no other spell or potion works against them. In the Harry Potter Series, there are two types of Patronuses: the first one is known as ‘Incorporeal Patronus’ which protects its producer but does not have a particular shape and can be observed as a thin thread. On the other hand, ‘Corporeal Patronus’ releases from the magical wand and turns into an animal to shield its master; it is believed that Corporeal Patronuses are stronger than Incorporeal Patronuses. Find yours by this accurate patronuses quiz.

What is Your Patronus Quiz for True Fans

Harry Potter Patronus Quiz

Harry Potter Patronuses | J.K. Rowling

So Pottermore fans, are you ready to know about the Patronus Charms who saved lives of your favorite characters in HP series? It is believed that Patronus spell has been used as a shield for many years and was first used by Illyius whose animal was a lowly mouse. What? You wish for a Patronus as well! For this, read more about them below and after, take Harry Potter Patronus Quiz. Do not forget to say “EXPECTO PATRONUM”! before finding an answer to "What is Your Patronus Animal?" question.

Harry Potter - Stag

Harry Potter is considered as one of the youngest wizard to accomplish the patronus spell and was taught by Remus Lupin. Harry not only attained incorporeal patronus but in his encounter with dementers Prisoner of Azkaban he conjured a corporeal patronus which turned into a Stag; similar to his father. Stag symbolizes Harry’s attributes of premiership and confidence. What about your Pottermore Patronus?

Hermione Granger - Otter

Hermione is one influential witch who never faced any problem in casting a spell, but the patronus spell was very tough for her to conjure. She produced an Otter in her patronus spell. Otters are considered courteous, friendly, and energetic. Moreover, all these attributes can be observed in her nature.

Ron Weasley - Dog

Ron achieved his goal of casting the patronus spell while working for Dumbledore army. His animal turned out to be a Jack Russell Terrier. These dogs are loyal, brave, and courageous just like Ron. He bravely fought against evils and remained loyal to his friends and family.

Albus Dumbledore - Phoenix

The great Dumbledore had a patronus eminent like himself: Fawkes the Phoenix. Phoenix represents strength and wisdom of Dumbledore. Not only for defense, but he used his patronus to call Hagrid in the Goblet of Fire. This official Patronus Quiz is help you to understand yours!

Severus Snape - Doe

Professor Snape had Doe as his patronus. As the happiest memories and traits shape patronuses; Snape’s was similar to that of Lily Potter. We may affirm that his happiest memories belonged to Lily which shaped his Patronus same as hers. He also used his patronus apart from defending himself for leading Harry to the Gryffindor Sword. Patronus Test will guide you to find your spirit animal!

Luna Lovegood - Hare

Character of Luna has always been admired by the Pottermore fans. Her patronus Hare symbolizes her joyous and lively nature. She has always been there to help Harry and saving the Wizard World as she saved Harry, Hermione, and Ron when they couldn’t conjure their patronuses during Battle of Hogwarts.

Minerva McGonagall - Cat

Professor McGonagall is fond of cats and even transforms into an Animagus cat. Her patronus is also a cat which symbolizes her compassionate, caring, and clever side. You can view her patronus in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. This is also an animagus quiz, you can accept your result as your HP animal form.

Remus Lupin - Wolf

Professor Lupin has always been helpful to Harry. He was the one who intructed Harry the patronus charm. Lupin being a werewolf also had patronus of a Wolf. The intriguing point that must be highlighted is that his patronus was a normal wolf that depicts that he was loyal, valiant, and benevolent; whereas werewolves can’t be tamed. In the movie, we cannot view his corporeal patronus because he intentionally kept it concealed so no one gets to know about his reality, and we can only watch him casting a noncorporeal patronus spell.

Kingsley Shacklebolt - Lynx

The famous Auror in the Magic Ministry-Kingsley Shacklebolt also employed his patronus once in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to inform everyone about the disaster reaching. His patronus was a Lynx used for communication. Patronus of Harry Potter quiz is going to determine your shining animal.

Patronuses in Hogwarts

When battle was on the verge, Harry enlightened many of his friends with the patronus charm. Many of them were able to perform the corporeal patronus charm like Ginny Weasley casted a Stag, Cho Chang a Swan, Ernie Macmillan a Boar, and Seamus Finnigan a Fox. All of them served in the Battle of Hogwarts with their patronuses.

Many other renowned characters have different animals as their patronus like Arthur Weasley had a Weasel, Aberfoth Dumbledore a Goat, Dolores Umbridge a Cat, Nymphadora Tonks a Wolf.

Wizards Without Patronuses

Well, there are some Wizards who are unable to perform the patronus charm; even an incorporeal one. Among them first is everybody’s loved Hagrid, and other is evil Draco Malfoy. It is anticipated that Hagrid doesn’t have any particular reason for being unable to do it. While in the case of Draco, it is hard to say anything with surety; some believe that it may be because he doesn’t has a good heart and any positive memory that could help him in creating a patronus. You can also find out if you are a character with or without patronus by taking this Harry Potter Personality Quiz.

Which Hogwarts Patronus Are You?

According to Lupin’s spell book, Hogwarts Patronus spells either forms smoke and silver clouds or takes the form of an animal that has traits like its conjurer, and portrays the hidden personality traits. The most important element for conjuring a Patronus charm is concentration. If you relax and concentrate over a very joyful memory, only then would you be able to perform a Patronus Charm. I would suggest you to concentrate like a wizard and witch to answer the Harry Potter Patronus Quiz to recognize What Harry Potter Patronus are you?

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