Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai Quiz – Which Cobra Kai Character Are You? (2023 UPDATED)

What Cobra Kai Character Are You? & Am I Cobra Kai or Miyagi Do?

Netflix's the Karate Kid series sequel "Cobra Kai" has action packed fun that attracted people of all ages. Season 4 is currently airing and it's expected to have Season 5 during 2022. But, have you ever thought; which Cobra Kai character are you? As the story unveils, Johnny can be seen in meager conditions feeling helpless; whereas, Daniel is living a luxurious life. Johnny opens the Cobra Kai again, and his first student is Miguel who wants to learn karate to defend himself. As he implements his skills, other students also start to join Cobra Kai. But, the story turns when the compassionate boy Miguel turns contentious.

Miguel further takes part in All Valley Tournament and beats Robby. The series takes many turns, but karate fans are you ready to know What Cobra Kai character would resemble you the best? Just answer the Cobra Kai personality quiz questions to find the answer of "Which Cobra Kai Character Am I?" for Netflix's popular series.

Cobra Kai Character Quiz (Season 4 Characters Added)

Which Cobra Kai Character Are You

The Cobra Kai characters are notorious for their sturdy appearances, action packed karate, and pure intentions. These characters have many traits that are unknown to you; read and take the Cobra Kai Quiz to confirm which cobra character you are.

Johnny Lawrence

Johnny is the protagonist and highly proficient martial arts fighter, who learned from an expert named John Kreese. He has been one of the bests and prefers to attack rather than defend. During the fights, he turns more truculent and is unable to control until he wins. After 30 years, he has nothing, so initiated the Cobra Kai again, teaching all his skills to students who are bullied.

Daniel LaRusso

Daniel is cool-minded person and knows how to balance karate and feelings. He has a compassionate family and flourished business. He believes that a fighter must know when to defend and when to attack. He has mastered the karate lessons, and opened Miyagi Do karate. He even teaches karate to Johnny’s son Robby. Which Cobra Kai character would be you?

Miguel Diaz

In the initial stages, Miguel is portrayed as a friendly and innocent boy. He is bullied and injured in the school. When he first sees Johnny fighting, he decides to learn karate and becomes Johnny’s student. Firstly, he uses his skills to defend himself, but gradually he turns in a fighter who doesn’t believe in rules. He viciously fought against Robby and almost killed him in All Valley Tournament.

Robby Keene

Robby can be seen as a brat who has no sense of responsibility and awful relation with his father. Robby when observes his father getting close to Miguel in Cobra Kai Dojo, he starts to work at Daniel’s place. Robby bonds with Daniel and learns karate in Miyagi Do. Then, his personality changes to a calm and efficient fighter. Choose your side: are you Cobra Kai or Miyagi Do?

Samantha LaRusso

Samantha is a nice and attractive girl. She has always been close to martial arts and learned it from his father. Sam always protected the students who got bullied. She is flexible and talented fighter who joined Miyagi Do. She had a relationship with Miguel, but broke up due to his changed behavior. Would you act like Samantha do about Miguel? What Cobra Kai character would be your boyfriend?


Did you know, Cobra Kai has two basic rules ‘strike first’ and ‘no mercy’. Since you now know the strengths and styles of Cobra Kai characters, answer the Cobra Kai quizzes and know your style of fight through Cobra Kai Personality Quiz.

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